The fallout of Putin helping make NATO ‘great again’


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has almost doubled its borders with Russia with the addition of Finland as its 31st member in April 2023. 

  • Sweden will become a member eventually, once the ratification process gets over and also make the Baltic Sea a NATO lake. 

Changes in the regional security dynamics of Europe:

  • For a long, Nordic countries Finland and Sweden had refused to take sides, maintaining military non-alignment and being focused more on their internal socio-economic development, thus making them models of modern welfare states. 
  • Their relations with Russia were moderate at best, if not deep enough. 
  • But the Russian invasion of Ukraine changed the way they had viewed their eastern neighbour and the predictability of its leader. 

Russian actions, European unity:

  • Some European countries such as Germany and France had a soft corner for Russia, unlike some Baltic states such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania which have been in favour of treading a cautious path. 
  • This Russian invasion have now united European countries more than ever before.
  • Finland and Sweden membership will mean more expenditure, militarily, and restructuring apart from a stationing of NATO forces under the new command structure and is strategically and economically concern for Russia. 

Spotlight on the Arctic:

  • Due to climate change and prospects of harnessing untapped oil, gas and mineral resources, Arctic region is receiving wide attention, creating unexpected and complex challenges. 
  • NATO membership for the Nordic countries has brought a new geo-strategic dimension to the Arctic’s future. 
  • There have been localised confrontations between Russia and other actors here. 

Implications for India:

  • Russia’s Friendship with India: India unlikely to help Russia balance power against NATO, as China-Russia strategic and military alignment may not align with India’s interests.
  •  Nordic Region’s NATO Membership: In recent years, the Nordic region has caught the frequency of India’s strategic radar. However, this region coming under a NATO umbrella will complicate India’s strategic choices.
  • Arctic’s Militarisation: India has observer status in the Arctic Council and pursues an Arctic Policy to promote multi-level cooperation. 
    • However, Finland’s NATO membership, with Sweden joining soon, may lead to the Arctic’s militarisation, thereby affecting the interests of all actors including India.

News Source: The Hindu 

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