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Ashutosh Bansal
September 30, 2023 02:37
From being net food importer in 1960s, India has emerged as a net food exporters to the world. Provide reasons.
Q.17 From being net food importer in 1960s, India has emerged as a net food exporters to the world. Provide reasons.
In the early post-independence years, India heavily imported basic food grains, such as 3747 thousand tonnes of cereals in 1960-61. Over time, this dependence dwindled significantly to just 69.9 thousand tonnes by 2000-01. Today, India has become a net food grain exporter, exemplified by APEDA’s oversight of agricultural and processed food product exports totaling USD 24.8 billion in the fiscal year 2021-22. This transformation can be attributed to the following reasons:
Reasons Behind the Transformation;
Road Ahead:
India’s transition from a net food importer in the 1960s to a net food exporter showcases the resilience and adaptability of the agricultural sector. However, as India evolves into a net food exporter, it must simultaneously tackle emerging challenges, including climate change and shifting geopolitics, to sustain its agricultural achievements and ensure food security for its population while participating in global food markets.
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