Q. “A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.” – Socrates (150 words, 10 Marks)



  • Introduction: Highlight the importance of this quote.
  • Body: 
    1. Mention the several instances where a moral system based on emotional values has led to societal issues.
    2. How can it be resolved ?
  • Conclusion: Conclude suitably with the way ahead. 


The statement by Socrates highlights the importance of having a sound and objective moral system, rather than one based on subjective emotional values. A moral system based on relative emotions lacks objectivity and can be manipulated for personal interests, leading to moral confusion and chaos in society.


In India, there are several instances where a moral system based on emotional values has led to societal issues

  • Dowry System: In India, the practice of giving and receiving dowry is based on emotional values and social pressure, rather than objective criteria. This has led to widespread exploitation of women and their families, and often results in harassment and violence against them.
  • Communalism: In certain parts of India, communalism is prevalent where people are identified based on their religious affiliation rather than their common humanity. This emotional value system has led to conflicts, riots, and communal tensions between different religious communities.
  • Child Marriage: In many parts of India, child marriage is still prevalent, where young girls are married off before reaching the age of 18. This is often based on emotional values such as family honor, protection, and social status, rather than objective criteria, and it results in a violation of the child’s rights and well-being.
  • Discrimination based on gender and sexuality: In India, there is still widespread discrimination against individuals based on their gender and sexual orientation. This emotional value system is based on societal prejudices rather than objective criteria and results in the denial of equal opportunities, rights, and dignity to individuals.
  • Corruption: Corruption in India is often based on emotional values such as greed, power, and entitlement, rather than objective morality and legality. This has resulted in a lack of transparency and accountability in the country’s governance systems, leading to widespread social and economic inequality.


Socrates’ statement emphasizes the importance of having an objective moral system in society, which can serve as a foundation for ethical behavior and decision-making. The above examples highlight the need for a sound and objective moral system in society to address issues stemming from subjective emotional values.

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