Q. How does Mission Karmayogi aim to prepare the civil service to be future-ready, equipped with the necessary mindset, skills, and knowledge in alignment with the vision of New India, and what key reforms and initiatives are being pursued in this regard by the government? (10 M, 150 Words)


How to approach the question

  • Introduction
    • Write about Mission Karmayogi briefly 
  • Body 
    • Write the key features of the Mission Karmayogi that aim to prepare the civil service to be future-ready 
    • Write key reforms and initiatives being pursued in this regard by the government
  • Conclusion 
    • Give appropriate conclusion in this regard  



Mission Karmayogi, launched by the Union Government in 2020 as the National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB). Aiming to cultivate a future-ready civil service, it seeks to equip civil servants with the vital mindset, skills, and knowledge aligned with the vision of New India, revolutionizing capacity-building infrastructure.

Key Features of the Mission Karmayogi that aim to prepare Civil Service to be Future-ready  

  • Unified Learning Platform: It introduces an Integrated Government Online Training Platform (iGOT), offering a plethora of training modules tailored to the diverse learning needs of civil servants. This approach ensures standardisation of learning content across all cadres and departments.
  • Continuous Capacity Building: The mission transcends intermittent training, emphasising continuous capacity building. This ensures that civil servants remain updated, relevant, and are encouraged to pursue continuous professional development throughout their careers.
  • Competency-driven Approach: It adopts a competency-based framework, identifying specific roles, activities, and competencies needed for each rank and position. Tailoring training to individual job requirements ensures that officers are best equipped for their specific roles.
  • Role-based approach: The shift from rule-based to role-based management, which will align work allocation, performance evaluation, promotion, and postings with the competencies of each civil servant. It ensures that civil servants are assigned roles that suit their potential and aspirations. 
  • Behavioural Change: While technical skills are imperative, the mission accentuates behavioural competencies. It aims at instilling a service-oriented ethos, ensuring civil servants serve with empathy and efficiency.
  • 70:20:10 Learning Model: The promotion of a culture of continuous learning among civil servants through the 70:20:10 model, which stipulates that 70% of capacity building happens through on-the-job learning, 20% through peer-to-peer learning, and 10% through formal training. 
  • Digital Learning: Leveraging the latest technology, e-learning avenues are promoted, enabling officials to access resources irrespective of location or time, making learning more adaptable and convenient.
  • Collaborative Learning: It promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among civil servants across ministries, departments, states, and regions through a common learning ecosystem. It fosters a spirit of teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving among civil servants.
  • Global Best Practices: Exposure to international standards and best practices ensures that India’s civil service is in tandem with global benchmarks, preparing them for challenges in a globalised world.
  • Feedback-driven Approach: The initiative actively seeks real-time feedback from bureaucrats, directly shaping and refining course content to remain current and effective.
  • Flexibility and Personalization: Officers are endowed with the autonomy to choose courses, assuring learning trajectories are individualised and resonate with personal interests and professional needs.

Key Reforms and Initiatives by the Government

  • Prime Minister’s HR Council (PMHRC): It provides strategic direction to civil service reforms, it acts as a guiding force ensuring that reforms align with the nation’s broader developmental goals. It also offers a high-level interface between governance and policy-making.
  • Capacity Building COMMISSION (CBC): Its role involves overseeing training institutions, ensuring uniformity in content delivery, and leveraging shared faculty and resources. It essentially anchors the qualitative aspect of the capacity-building process.
  • Cabinet Secretariat Coordination Unity (CSCU) : Mission Karmayogi is coordinated by the CSCU, which is a division of the Cabinet Secretariat that facilitates the coordination and communication between the Cabinet Secretary and the Secretaries of various Ministries and Departments. 
  • Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV): It is a non-profit entity designed to operate the iGOT Karmayogi platform. By offering online courses to civil servants across all ranks, it democratizes learning, making high-quality content accessible irrespective of geography or service seniority.
  • SRG and ARCs: The Specialized Regional Groups (SRGs) and Agency-specific Residential Courses (ARCs) are mechanisms tailored to address specialised and niche training needs. They cater to unique departmental requirements, ensuring officers are well-equipped for specific roles.
  • Karmayogi Bharat Dashboard: With digital monitoring becoming essential, this real-time dashboard provides a holistic view of capacity-building efforts, helping policymakers understand areas of progress and points of intervention.
  • Mission Karmayogi Portal: This digital portal is a treasure trove of resources. From courses curated by global experts to in-depth training modules, it’s the one-stop solution for a civil servant’s learning needs.


Mission Karmayogi represents a monumental stride towards sculpting a civil service that is adept, responsive, and aligned with the aspirations of New India. By focusing on continuous learning, global best practices, and personalised development, the initiative lays the foundation for a bureaucracy that’s not just efficient but also empathetic. 


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