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November 21, 2023
Diversity in India refers to the presence of a wide variety of different elements, characteristics, or qualities within a particular group, community, or society. These elements can include differences in terms of culture, ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, religion, abilities, perspectives, and more.
Case Study of Ladakh and Kerala: Historical and Geographical Impact on Diversity
Point to Ponder:
Societies have always struggled to accommodate diversity. Throughout history, minorities in all forms of government have experienced a second-grade citizen life. However, democratic societies, in principle, remove any such segregation. |
Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
Diversity in India is a strength, defining the nation’s rich tapestry. From languages to festivals, it showcases harmonious coexistence. Ladakh and Kerala’s case study highlights ongoing cultural interweaving, shaped by history and geography. Leaders like Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar emphasize Diversity in India’s paramount importance.
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