Q. Effective utilization of public funds is crucial to meet development goals. Critically examine the reasons for under-utilization and mis-utilization of public funds and their implications. (150 words, 10 Marks)




  • Contextual introduction wrt Public service or funds.


  • Mention the Reasons for under-utilization and mis-utilization of public funds and their implications in India.
  • Add examples for substantiation.

Conclusion:  Give prospective way ahead.


Public funds are a vital resource for governments to provide essential services and invest in development projects that benefit society as a whole. However, the effective utilization of public funds remains a significant challenge for many countries around the world.

Under-utilization and mis-utilization of public funds can lead to a waste of resources, missed development opportunities, and a loss of public trust in government institutions


Reasons for under-utilization and mis-utilization of public funds and their implications in India include:


  • Delayed approvals: Delay in getting the required approvals for projects can lead to under-utilization of public funds.
  • Lack of capacity: Lack of technical and administrative capacity can hinder the effective utilization of public funds.
  • Bureaucratic hurdles: Complex bureaucratic processes and red tape can lead to delays and under-utilization of public funds.
  • Political considerations: Political considerations may override financial considerations, leading to the under-utilization of funds allocated to projects that are not seen as politically important.
  • Corruption: Corruption in the procurement process can lead to under-utilization of funds.


  • Delay in the construction of the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link due to delay in acquiring the necessary approvals and clearances.
  • The lack of administrative capacity and technical expertise in rural areas has resulted in under-utilization of funds allocated to various rural development projects.


  • Wastage of resources: Under-utilization of public funds can lead to a wastage of resources and deprive citizens of much-needed services.
  • Poor infrastructure: Under-utilization of public funds can lead to the delay in the completion of infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and dams, leading to poor infrastructure.
  • Stunted economic growth: Under-utilization of public funds can lead to the stunted economic growth of the country and hamper the development of various sectors.
  • Loss of trust: Under-utilization of public funds can erode the public’s trust in the government and public institutions.
  • Adverse impact on social welfare: Under-utilization of funds in the social welfare sector can lead to a negative impact on the marginalized sections of society.


  • Lack of accountability: Lack of accountability in the utilization of public funds can lead to mis-utilization of funds.
  • Lack of transparency: Lack of transparency in the allocation and utilization of public funds can lead to the mis-utilization of funds.
  • Political influence: Political influence can lead to the allocation of funds to projects that are not economically or socially viable.
  • Corruption: Corruption in the allocation and utilization of public funds can lead to mis-utilization of funds.
  • Inadequate monitoring: Inadequate monitoring and supervision can lead to the mis-utilization of public funds.


  • The alleged mis-utilization of funds meant for the Commonwealth Games held in Delhi in 2010, which resulted in cost overruns and quality issues.
  • The allocation of funds to government programs and schemes that lack transparency and accountability, such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA), which has been criticized for corruption and mis-utilization of funds.


  • Inequitable distribution of resources: Mis-utilization of public funds can lead to the inequitable distribution of resources and further exacerbate economic and social inequalities.
  • Waste of resources: Mis-utilization of public funds can lead to the waste of resources and deprive citizens of much-needed services.
  • Negative impact on economic growth: Mis-utilization of public funds can have a negative impact on the economic growth of the country and hamper the development of various sectors.
  • Loss of trust: Mis-utilization of public funds can erode the public’s trust in the government and public institutions.
  • Adverse impact on social welfare: Mis-utilization of funds in the social welfare sector can lead to a negative impact on the marginalized sections of society.


Efforts must be made to improve the bureaucratic processes, enhance transparency, and promote a culture of accountability and integrity in public institutions. Moreover, citizen engagement and active participation in monitoring public funds utilization can play a vital role in ensuring that public resources are efficiently utilized and effectively contribute to the country’s development.

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