Q. It is a State where prohibition is in force. You were recently appointed as the Superintendent of Police of a district notorious for illicit distillation of liquor. The illicit liquor leads to many deaths, reported and unreported, and causes a major problem for the district authorities. The approach till now had been to view it as a law and order problem and tackle it accordingly. Raids, arrest, police cases, and criminal trials – all these had only limited impact. The problem remains as serious as ever. Your inspections show that the parts of the district where the distillation flourishes are economically, industrially and educationally backward. Agriculture is badly affected by poor irrigation facilities. Frequent clashes among communities gave a boost to illicit distillation. No major initiatives had taken place in the past either from the government’s side or from social organizations to improve the lot of the people. Which new approach will you adopt to bring the problem under control?




  • Contextual Introduction.


  •  Mention the Approach you  would take


  •   Prospective way forward.


The Superintendent of Police is faced with the challenge of tackling illicit distillation of liquor in a district under prohibition.

The analysis reveals that the problem is deeply rooted in socio-economic backwardness and requires a multi-faceted approach.

This includes addressing root causes, collaborating with stakeholders, focusing on socio-economic development, infrastructure improvement, community engagement, rehabilitation, and strengthening law enforcement.



As the Superintendent of Police in the district, I would adopt a multi-faceted approach to address the problem of illicit distillation and its associated issues.

Here’s the approach I would take:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the underlying factors contributing to illicit distillation. This includes understanding the socio-economic conditions, educational backwardness, lack of infrastructure, and communal tensions in the affected areas.
  2. Collaborative Efforts: Engage with various stakeholders, including government departments, social organizations, community leaders, and local residents, to develop a collaborative approach. Establish partnerships to address the root causes of the problem and work towards sustainable solutions.
  3. Socio-Economic Development: Focus on improving the socio-economic conditions in the affected areas. Initiate and support development programs that target poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, and skill development. Encourage economic opportunities and entrepreneurship to create alternative livelihoods for individuals engaged in illicit distillation.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Advocate for improved irrigation facilities, infrastructure, and basic amenities in the backward areas. This will help enhance agricultural productivity, provide employment opportunities, and uplift the overall living standards of the community.
  5. Community Policing: Implement community-oriented policing strategies to build trust, foster collaboration, and establish strong relationships with the local population. Encourage community members to actively participate in crime prevention efforts and report illicit distillation activities.
  6. Awareness and Education: Conduct awareness campaigns on the harmful effects of illicit liquor consumption and its impact on public health and safety. Educate the community about legal alternatives, responsible drinking, and the importance of adhering to prohibition laws.
  7. Rehabilitation and Support: Provide rehabilitation and support programs for individuals involved in illicit distillation, focusing on their reintegration into society. Offer skill training, counseling, and support to help them transition to legal livelihoods.
  8. Strengthen Law Enforcement: Enhance the capacity and training of law enforcement personnel to effectively combat illicit distillation. Improve intelligence gathering, surveillance, and investigation techniques to dismantle organized illicit liquor networks.


By adopting this holistic approach, addressing the root causes of the problem, and engaging with various stakeholders, I aim to bring about a sustainable change, reduce the prevalence of illicit distillation, and create a safer and more prosperous district.

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