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June 21, 2024 2540 0
Earthquake refers to the sudden shaking of the earth’s crust. It is highly destructive of all the natural disasters. They occur when there is a rupture in the Earth’s surface, typically along a fault line, leading to seismic waves that propagate through the ground.
The intensity and magnitude of the temblor vary, causing shaking and trembling of the ground.
Do You Know ? An earthquake with a magnitude 7.5 on the Richter scale releases 30 times the energy than one with 6.5 magnitudes. An earthquake of magnitude 3 is the smallest normally felt by humans. |
Key points about earthquakes: Causes, Measurement, and Intensity Scales
Do You Know ? The largest earthquake that has been recorded with Richter Scale is 9.25 (Alaska, 1969 and Chile, 1960). |
List of Significant Earthquakes in India
Additional Information
Do You Know ? New Delhi lie in very high damage risk zone whereas big cities like Mumbai and Chennai are in moderate damage risk zone. |
Earthquake Hazard Zones in India
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