The death anniversary of Maratha warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is observed on 3rd April 1680 every year.
- Maratha warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on 3rd April 1680 died due to health issues.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Biography
- Birth: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was named Shivaji Bhosale and was a member of the Bhonsle Maratha clan.
- He was born at Shivneri Fort in 1630.

- Founder of Maratha Empire: He carved an enclave from the Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur that marked the beginning of the Maratha Empire.
- Coronation: On 6th June 1674, he was crowned at Raigad by Gagabhatt, a learned pandit of Benaras and became the Chhatrapati of the Swaraj.
- On the occasion of the coronation, special coins were minted- a gold coin called hon and a copper coin called shivrai with the legend Shri Raja Shivachhatrapati inscribed on them.
- Titles: Chhatrapati, Shakakarta, Kshatriya Kulavantas and Haindava Dharmodhhaarak.
- Capital: Raigad Fort; he ruled from there until his death.
- Hill forts: He seized the Torna fort, Raigad and Kondana forts, etc. He also repaired numerous forts in strategic locations.
- Naval Force: He ensured that a strong naval presence was established along the Konkan coast to protect the sea trade of the Maratha empire. (The Indian Navy’s new ensign draws inspiration from Shivaji)
- Revenue administration: He implemented the Ryotwari system. The revenue system was based on the Kathi system, in which every piece of land was measured by Rod or Kathi.
- Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were sources of income in Maratha administration:
- Chauth referred to 1/4th of the standard paid to Marathas as a safeguard against Shivaji’s forces raiding non-Maratha territories.
- Sardeshmukhi was an additional levy of 10% demanded from areas outside of the kingdom.
- Military administration: He established an efficient army and paid soldiers in cash and high-ranking officials through jagir grants (Saranjam). Infantry, Cavalry, and Navy comprised Shivaji’s army.
- Groups of highly mobile, peasant pastoralists (kunbis) provided the backbone of the Maratha army.
- Maratha Navy: He also established the Maratha Navy to protect merchant ships and ports in order to secure and enhance revenue incomes derived from maritime trade and customs duty.
- Self-rule for Hindus/Hindavi Swarajya: He could unite diverse communities under the banner of Hindavi Swarajya (self-rule for Hindus) enabling him to carve out a formidable empire in the Deccan region.
- His objective in founding the Swaraj is clearly expressed in his official seal or Mudra which is in Sanskrit.
- The Battle of Pratapgarh: This battle was pivotal in marking Shivaji’s ascension to power and resulted in the defeat of the Adil Shahis. This triumph represented Shivaji’s first significant conquest.
- It stands as a turning point, setting the stage for prolonged conflicts between the Mughals and the Marathas in the Deccan.
Ashtapradhan Mandal of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: An Exemplary Model of Governance
- Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had a Council of 8 ministers (Ashtapradhan Mandal) to look after the Kingdom efficiently.
- The Ashtapradhan comprised eight ministers i.e. Peshwa (Prime Minister), Amatya (Finance Minister), Sachiv (Secretary), Mantri (Foreign Minister), Senapati (supreme commander of armed force), Sumant (Naval Affairs), Nyayadhish (upheld principles of Justice) and Pandit rao (responsible for cultural and religious affairs).
- The Ashtapradhan Mandal was an administrative council in the Maratha Empire. They were responsible for governance, economy, defence, and culture.
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