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November 30, 2023
India is a land of continental proportions and immense diversities. We have also participated in a common history, especially when we fought for independence. This has led our national leaders to visualize India as a country where there is Unity in Diversity. Sometimes it is described as Unity with Diversity. Despite its size, India has managed diversity through power-sharing arrangements defined in its Constitution. Although not explicitly labeled as a Federation, India is founded on Federal Principles including cooperative federalism.
The idea of federal India is based on the proposition of a strong center with federal state units. However, with the 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts, the third tier of federalism has emerged.
Indian federalism persists mainly through the following 3 dynamics:
Thus, Democratic politics and shared ideals including cooperative federalism remain the foundation of Indian federalism. The above developments have contributed to Unity amid Diversity and have shaped and enhanced its Federal Structure.
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