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December 6, 2023
Nations are striving to strengthen their economies, forming alliances like SAARC, EU, ASEAN, G-8, G-20, and BRICS. Understanding neighbors’ developmental processes is crucial, especially for developing countries facing competition within the limited economic space of the developing world, with a keen focus on Comparative Economic Development.
Geography has made us neighbours. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder. – John F. Kennedy |
India’s developmental strategies differed with its neighbors, Pakistan and China, which will be compared in this article, with a specific focus on Comparative Economic Development. Despite abundant natural resources, India differs politically as the world’s largest democracy with a secular constitution. Contrasted are Pakistan’s militarist structure and China’s command economy, moving slowly toward democracy and liberal economic restructuring, inviting a closer examination of Comparative Economic Development in the region.
Let’s first delve into the historical paths of China and Pakistan, with a specific emphasis on Comparative Economic Development:
Wagah Border is not only a tourist place but also used for trade between India and Pakistan
Let’s break down the comparison of demographic indicators for India, China, and Pakistan with a Focus on Comparative Economic Development:
Population Distribution
Geographical Factors
Demographic Indicators 2017 – 18
Population Growth
Sex Ratio
Fertility Dynamics and Comparative Economic Development:
Population Aging
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