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December 8, 2023
The world today has been converted into a global village. This has been achieved through efficient systems of trade, transport and communication. With the development in science and technology, the area of influence of trade and transport expanded far and wide. The trade or the exchange of commodities relies on transportation and communication.
Do You Know? NH44 which runs from Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir to Kanyakumari in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, is the longest highway of India. It covers a total distance of approximately 3745 kms and is a major north-south corridor that passes through Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. |
Border Roads Organisation (BRO)
S. No |
Category – Roads in India | Length (in kms) |
1. | National Highways | 1,44,634 |
2. | State Highways | 1,86,908 |
3. | Other Roads | 59,02,539 |
TOTAL | 63,31,791 |
Table: India Road Network 2022 (Source: MoRTH annual report 2022)
National Highways Development Projects
Alsor Read: Indian Railways Latest Updates: Interesting Facts about Railways in India
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