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December 8, 2023
The world today has been converted into a global village. This has been achieved through efficient systems of trade, transport and communication. With the development in science and technology, the area of influence of trade and transport expanded far and wide. The trade or the exchange of commodities relies on transportation and communication.
Modern Living Relies on Efficient Transportation, Communication, and Trade. Originally unified, now specialized, enabling Global Exchange of Ideas and Messages, We exchange our views, ideas and messages from one place to another or one individual to another while communicating with the help of various means.
Transport Network A transport network refers to several places (nodes) joined together by a series of routes (links) to form a pattern. |
Unified Transport Systems: Connecting Societies for Cooperation
Modes of Transportation
Do You Know?
Reasons Why Roads are Preferred Over Railways: Advantages Over Railways in Modern Transport
Sher Shah Suri built the Shahi (Royal) road to strengthen and consolidate his empire from the Indus Valley to the Sonar Valley in Bengal. This road was renamed the Grand Trunk (GT) Road during the British period, connecting Calcutta and Peshawar. At present, it extends from Amritsar to Kolkata. |
India- Density of Roads (2001)
Road Transport in India: Vast Network, Historical Challenges, and Plans
Also Read: Classification of Roads in India
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