Q. Account for the huge flooding of the millions of cities in India including the smart ones like Hyderabad and pune. Suggest lasting remedial measures. [250 Words, 15 Marks]




  • Write any Data / Report


  • Discuss the responsible factor for frequent urban flooding and remedial measurement.


  • Conclude your answer with a futuristic approach and public awareness.


The major cause of frequent urban floods is unplanned urbanization. The State of Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat were the most severely affected. 2021 Maharashtra flood, widespread flooding in Mahad and Chiplun on 22 July2021 caused by exceptionally heavy rainfall. 2022 Assam floods, heavy flooding in Assam State in May 2022.


Various factors are responsible for frequent urban flooding:

  • Meteorological factors: Heavy rainfall, cyclonic storms, and thunderstorms can cause urban flooding. As urbanization has increased, the natural drainage system has been disrupted, which makes it difficult for excess water to flow out Like Hyderabad and pune
  • Hydrological factors: The occurrence of high tides impeding the drainage in coastal cities and overbank flow channel networks can cause urban flooding.
  • Anthropogenic factors:
  • Unplanned urbanization: The key cause of urban flooding is unplanned urbanization. Blocking of natural drainage pathways through construction activity and encroachment on catchment areas, riverbeds, and lake beds can cause floods.
  • Stormwater drainage systems: The old and ill-maintained drainage system is another factor making cities in India vulnerable to flooding. Like Banglore flood causes.
  • Encroachments: Habitations started growing into towns and cities alongside rivers and watercourses. As a result, the capacity of the natural drains has decreased, resulting in flooding.
  • Climate change: Climate change due to various anthropogenic events has led to extreme weather events that can cause urban flooding.
  • Poor solid waste management: Improper waste management systems, clogging of stormwater drains because of silting, accumulation of non-biodegradable wastes and construction debris can cause floods.

Some of the remedial measures that can be taken to address urban flooding are:

  • Improving drainage infrastructure: A proper drainage system is essential to prevent flooding. The existing drainage systems in urban areas should be improved and new drainage systems should be built in areas that are prone to flooding. E.g. Hyderabad’s Strategic Nala Development Plan improved drainage systems
  • Constructing retention ponds and reservoirs: Retention ponds and reservoirs can be built to collect excess water during heavy rainfall. This can help prevent flooding downstream. E.g. Tansa Lake reservoir has been effective in reducing flooding downstream.
  • Implementing green infrastructure: Green infrastructure, such as green roofs, rain gardens, and permeable pavement, can help absorb rainwater and reduce the amount of water that flows into the drainage system. E.g. Kolkata’s East Kolkata Wetlands, a natural wastewater treatment system, has been effective in managing stormwater and reducing flooding.
  • Enforcing land-use regulations: Land-use regulations can be implemented to prevent development in flood-prone areas. This can help reduce the risk of flooding.
  • Building flood walls and embankments: Flood walls and embankments can be built to prevent water from entering urban areas. This can be an effective short-term measure, but it may not be a sustainable long-term solution.
  • Developing early warning systems: People prepare for floods and reduce the risk of loss of life and property damage.E.g Chennai’s Flood Early Warning System.


Urban flooding requires a multi-faceted approach that involves improving infrastructure, implementing regulations, educating the public, and developing early warning systems. Taking these measures, urban flooding can be reduced, and the risk of loss of life and property damage can be minimized.

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