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The problem of rural-urban migration in our country is complex and multi-faceted.
The socio-economic factors contributing to this issue include limited employment opportunities in rural areas, lack of basic amenities and infrastructure, unequal distribution of resources, and aspirations for a better quality of life.
Additionally, emotional and attitudinal factors such as the perception of cities as centers of opportunities, social status, and the desire for improved education and healthcare also play a role.
(a) Educated youth are often driven to shift to urban areas due to better job prospects, access to higher education and professional development opportunities, and the desire for a modern lifestyle.
(b) Landless poor people migrate to urban slums seeking employment and income-generating activities as rural areas may offer limited livelihood options. They are often attracted by the informal sector, which provides flexible work arrangements.
(c) Some farmers sell off their land and migrate to urban areas due to various reasons such as indebtedness, crop failures, lack of agricultural profitability, and the hope for a more stable income through urban employment.
To effectively control this problem, the following feasible steps can be suggested:
By addressing the socio-economic, emotional, and attitudinal factors driving rural-urban migration and implementing comprehensive strategies, we can work towards controlling this serious problem and creating a more balanced and sustainable development across the country.
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