Q. India is well endowed with fresh water resources. Critically examine why it still suffers from water scarcity. [200 Words, 12.5 Marks]




  • Start your answer with Data or Report.


  • Discuss the reasons for water scarcity in India.


  • Summary of the answer with futuristic approach.


India experiences an average precipitation of 1170 mm per year, or about 4000 cubic kilometers of rain annually or about 1720 cubic meters of fresh water per person every year. India accounts for 18 % of the world population and about 4 % of the world’s water resources. Despite this abundance, the country continues to face water scarcity, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions.


Reasons for water scarcity in India:

  • Unequal distribution: The states of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and the northeastern states of India have abundant water resources, while the arid regions of Rajasthan, Gujarat, and parts of Maharashtra face severe water scarcity.
  • Increasing demand: Cities like Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad are experiencing rapid urbanization and population growth, leading to increased demand for water.
  • Overexploitation of groundwater: The states of Punjab, Haryana, and parts of Uttar Pradesh are known for intensive agriculture practices that rely heavily on groundwater, leading to the depletion of aquifers.
  • Unsustainable agricultural practices:- mono-cropping, fertilizers flow in the water bodies is polluting the water resources.
  • Climate change: The states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu have been affected by prolonged droughts in recent years, leading to water scarcity.
  • Poor water management: The state of Bihar has poor irrigation infrastructure and practices, leading to inefficient use of water resources and exacerbating the problem of water scarcity.


India has abundant freshwater resources, the country’s water scarcity problem is due to several factors, including inefficient water use, population growth, rapid urbanization, climate change, and poor water management practices. India’s water scarcity challenges will require a multifaceted approach that considers both short-term and long-term solutions to improve water management, protect freshwater resources, and ensure water security for all.

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