Q. Though the Human Rights Commissions have contributed immensely to the protection of human rights in India, yet they have failed to assert themselves against the mighty and powerful. Analyzing their structural and practical limitations, suggest remedial measures. (250 words, 15 Marks)




Briefly introduce the role of Human Rights Commissions in India.


  • Enumerate the structural and practical limitations of Human Rights Commissions.
  • Suggest remedial measures to enhance the effectiveness of Human Rights Commissions.


  • Write a relevant conclusion.


Human Rights Commissions, both at the national and state levels, play a crucial role in promoting and protecting human rights in India. While they have made significant contributions in this regard, their effectiveness has often been undermined due to structural and practical limitations.


Structural and practical limitations of Human Rights Commissions:

  • Lack of autonomy: Human Rights Commissions are dependent on the government for financial resources, personnel, and infrastructure. This often results in compromises in their autonomy and may lead to biases in their functioning.
  • Limited jurisdiction: Human Rights Commissions have limited jurisdiction and can only investigate complaints concerning the violation of human rights by public servants. They cannot take up cases involving private individuals or organizations.
  • Delayed appointments: The appointment process of members of Human Rights Commissions is often delayed, leading to understaffed commissions and prolonged vacancies, which hamper their effectiveness.
  • Lack of enforcement powers: Human Rights Commissions can only make recommendations to the government or concerned authorities for taking remedial action. They do not possess the power to enforce their recommendations or punish those responsible for human rights violations.
  • Limited awareness: There is limited awareness among the general public about the existence, functions, and powers of Human Rights Commissions, resulting in underutilization of these institutions.
  • Political interference: The appointment process of members of Human Rights Commissions is often influenced by political considerations, which may affect their impartiality and independence.

Remedial measures to enhance the effectiveness of Human Rights Commissions:

  • Autonomy: This can be achieved by providing them with a separate budget and control over the appointment and management of their personnel.
  • Expanding jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of Human Rights Commissions should be expanded to include cases involving private individuals and organizations.
  • Timely appointments: The government should ensure timely appointments of members to Human Rights Commissions, filling vacancies promptly to maintain their effectiveness.
  • Strengthen enforcement powers: The powers of Human Rights Commissions should be strengthened, enabling them to enforce their recommendations and penalize those responsible for human rights violations.
  • Awareness campaigns: Conducting awareness campaigns and educational programs on the role, functions, and powers of Human Rights Commissions can help increase public engagement and utilization of these institutions.
  • Transparent appointment process: Ensuring a transparent and merit-based appointment process for the members of Human Rights Commissions can help reduce political interference and ensure their impartiality and independence.


Implementing the suggested remedial measures can help overcome these limitations, enabling Human Rights Commissions to assert themselves effectively against the mighty and powerful and contribute more significantly to the protection of human rights in India.

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