UPSC Commerce and Accountancy Optional Paper 2023 Download Official Paper PDF

Madhavi Gaur September 25, 2023 08:00 9135 0

The UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper is divided into two parts: Paper 1 and Paper 2. These papers aim to evaluate candidates' knowledge and understanding of commerce and accountancy concepts, theories, and their application in real-world scenarios.

UPSC Commerce and Accountancy Optional Paper 2023 Download Official Paper PDF

UPSC Commerce and Accountancy Optional Paper

UPSC Commerce and Accountancy Optional Paper: In the UPSC Mains exam, Commerce & Accountancy optional subject consists of two papers, specifically Paper I and Paper II. Each of these papers carries a weightage of 250 marks, summing up to a total of 500 marks for this optional subject. Among the various optional subjects offered by UPSC, Commerce & Accountancy is one of the 48 choices available to candidates.

The examination schedule for the UPSC Civil Services Mains includes Paper-A in Indian Language and Paper-B in English, both scheduled for September 23, 2023. This is followed by the Optional Subject-Paper-1 (Paper-VIII) and Optional Subject-Paper-2 (Paper-IX), which are set to be held on September 24, 2023.

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy 2023 Paper Download

Paper 1 Paper 2
UPSC Commerce & Accountancy 2023 Paper 1 PDF UPSC Commerce & Accountancy 2023 Paper 2 PDF

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper Syllabus Download

Link here  UPSC Commerce And Accountancy Syllabus

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper Previous Year Paper Download

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Question Papers from 2018 to 2022 are readily available for aspirants seeking to enhance their preparation. We provide access to the UPSC Commerce & Accountancy optional question papers in PDF format, an invaluable resource for your preparation.

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Here links of pyqs should be hyperlinked with appropriate year paper.

Commerce & Accountancy Optional Success Rate

Over the span of six years, from 2013 to 2020,  more than 10000 dedicated aspirants chose Commerce & Accountancy as their optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Mains examination. The table below offers a comprehensive overview of the success rate achieved by candidates who opted for Commerce & Accountancy during this period:

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Success Rate
Year Number of Candidates with Commerce & Accountancy Optional Number of Candidates Selected Success Rate (%)
2020 210 27 12.9%
2019 183 20 10.9%
2018 186 27 14.5%
2017 224 28 12.5%
2016 229 19 8.3%

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper

The UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper is divided into two parts: Paper 1 and Paper 2. These papers aim to evaluate candidates’ knowledge and understanding of commerce and accountancy concepts, theories, and their application in real-world scenarios.

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper 1

Paper 1 of the UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional covers various topics such as accounting, auditing, financial management, and corporate governance. This paper tests candidates’ theoretical knowledge and understanding of foundational concepts in commerce and accountancy.

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper 1 PDF

Aspirants can access the syllabus and previous years’ question papers for Paper 1 in PDF format on the official UPSC website. These resources are invaluable for candidates to familiarize themselves with the examination pattern and syllabus.

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UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper 2

Paper 2 of the UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional delves into advanced topics such as economics, financial markets, and international trade. This paper assesses candidates’ ability to analyze economic and financial scenarios and apply their knowledge effectively.

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper 2 PDF

Similarly, the syllabus and previous question papers for Paper 2 can be found in PDF format on the UPSC website. These resources assist candidates in their preparation by providing a clear understanding of the topics and question patterns.

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Question Paper

To excel in the UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper, solving previous year’s question papers is crucial. It aids in getting acquainted with the types of questions, the level of complexity, and helps candidates practice their answering skills effectively.

Commerce & Accountancy Optional Analysis

The Commerce & Accountancy optional has its unique set of challenges and advantages. While it is known to be a technical subject, candidates with a background in commerce and accountancy often find it more comfortable to grasp the concepts. However, even candidates from non-commerce backgrounds can perform well with dedicated preparation.

Commerce & Accountancy Optional Trend Analysis

Over the years, the trend for the Commerce & Accountancy optional has been relatively stable. Candidates can expect questions that cover a broad spectrum of topics, from accounting principles to contemporary economic issues. Staying updated with recent developments in the field of commerce and accountancy is crucial to excel in this optional subject.

The UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper offers an opportunity for candidates to showcase their expertise in commerce, accounting, and economics. With thorough preparation and consistent effort, it can be a rewarding choice for UPSC aspirants looking to make a mark in the civil services. Success stories of candidates who have excelled in this optional subject serve as motivation for future aspirants, highlighting the significance of choosing the right optional subject for UPSC.

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UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional Paper FAQs

Commerce and accountancy offer the most beneficial optional subject choice for those aspiring to take the UPSC exam with a commerce background. The UPSC commerce and accountancy optional includes a range of topics such as Accounting and Finance, Accounting, Taxation, and Auditing.

Considering the comprehensive understanding of the subjects discussed in both papers and the objective nature of the content, Commerce and Accounting can prove to be highly favorable subjects for commerce graduate students to achieve high scores.

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) is responsible for conducting the Civil Services Examination in India, which includes the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and other top administrative positions. When it comes to optional subjects for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, Commerce students have several options to choose from. Some of the commonly chosen optional subjects for Commerce students include: Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Management, Public Administration, Mathematics, and Law

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 Final Result – CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2023.   Udaan-Prelims Wallah ( Static ) booklets 2024 released both in english and hindi : Download from Here!     Download UPSC Mains 2023 Question Papers PDF  Free Initiative links -1) Download Prahaar 3.0 for Mains Current Affairs PDF both in English and Hindi 2) Daily Main Answer Writing  , 3) Daily Current Affairs , Editorial Analysis and quiz ,  4) PDF Downloads  UPSC Prelims 2023 Trend Analysis cut-off and answer key

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