UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus For Mains 2024, Download PDF

Visakha Prashar September 13, 2023 08:33 5819 0

Get comprehensive insights into the UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus for Mains 2024, including detailed analysis, book recommendations, preparation tips, and toppers' answer sheets.

UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus For Mains 2024, Download PDF

Introduction to Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus For UPSC Mains Examination 2024

Kokani literature as an optional subject can be a fulfilling choice for those with a passion for regional languages, cultural studies, and literary exploration. UPSC offers a range of optional subjects for candidates, including Konkani literature, among the 48 subject options provided. The UPSC Konkani literature optional syllabus explores the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of the Kokani-speaking regions.

Konkani Literature Optional Subject: A Brief Overview

Konkani is a language belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of Indian languages. It is the official language of the state of Goa, and is also spoken in many parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Kerala.

Candidates who are planning to choose Konkani literature are required to know its trends and also previous experience of studying the language. Konkani literature optional subject is a suitable alternative for those candidates who have a good knowledge of Konkani. With proper preparation, they can score good marks.

Optional Paper of Konkani Literature consists of two papers. With both Paper 1 and Paper 2 carrying 250 marks each, totaling to 500 marks out of the UPSC mains’ total of 1750 marks, Hence Kokani optional literature  holds considerable importance for the candidate who opted for it. 

This substantial weightage highlights the opportunity for candidates to boost their overall score significantly by mastering Kokani literature, thus enhancing their chances of success in the UPSC examination.

UPSC Konkani Optional Paper Pattern

Like all other optional subjects of UPSC optional subject list, the subject is made up of two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, each paper carrying 250 marks. Each paper is divided into two sections. Each paper has a total of eight questions, divided equally into four questions. A candidate has to attempt any five questions. Question 1 and Question 5 are compulsory. Out of the remaining six, any three have to be attempted, with at least one from each section. Candidates choosing Konkani literature optional for UPSC have to answer the paper in Konkani language, written in Devanagari script.

UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Exam Pattern
Particular Details
Total Papers Two, Paper I and Paper II
Total Marks 500 (250 Each)
Time allowed 3 Hours for each paper
Sections Section A and Section B
Questions Total 8 questions with subparts
Compulsory Question Question No. 1 and 5
Marks Distribution 10, 15, and 20 marker questions

UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus For Mains 2024: Detailed Analysis

UPSC Konkani literature optional syllabus covers the history of the Konkani language, its evolution, and some significant literary works. Candidates preparing for Konkani literature are required to have a clear understanding of the subject. They can refer to the table below to understand the syllabus in detail.

Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus For Paper I

Paper I includes topics such as Konkani language, genres, and their evolution, Literary criticism, history, syntax, standardization etc.

Paper I Syllabus: History of the Konkani Language and Literature.

Section A: History of the Konkani Language
  1. Origin and development of the language and influences on it. 
  2. Major variants of Konkani and their linguistic features.
  3. Grammatical and lexicographic work in Konkani, including a study of cases, adverbs, indeclinables and voices. 
  4. Old Standard Konkani, New Standard and Standardisation problems.
Section B: History of Konkani Literature
  • Candidates would be expected to be well-acquainted with Konkani literature and its social and cultural background and consider the problems and issues arising out of them. 
  1. History of Konkani literature from its probable source to the present times, with emphasis on its major works, writers and movements. 
  2. Social and cultural background of the making of Konkani literature from time to time. 
  3. Indian and Western influences on Konkani literature, from the earliest to modern times. 
  4. Modern literary trends in the various genres and regions including a study of Konkani folklore

Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus For Paper 2 

To develop critical thinking skills required for answering Paper 2, candidates must read all the assigned Konkani texts and develop a critical and analytical understanding of content.

Paper II Syllabus: Prose and Poetry

Section A: Prose
  1. (a) Konkani Mansagangotri (excluding poetry) ed. by Prof: Olivinho Gomes.
    (b) Old Konkani language and literature—the Portuguese Role  
  2. (a) Otmo Denvcharak—a novel by A. V. da Cruz.
    (b) Vadoll ani Varem—a novel by Antonio Pereira.
    (c) Devache Kurpen—a novel by V.J.P. Saldanha.
  3. (a) Vajralikhani—Shenoy goem-bab-An anthology-ed. by Shantaram Varde   Valavalikar.
    (b) Konkani Lalit Niband—Essays-ed. by Shyam Vernekar.
    (c) Teen Dasakam—An anthology—ed. by Chandrakant Keni.
  4. (a) Demand—Drama-by Pundalik Naik.
    (b) Kadambini: A Miscellany of Modern Prose—ed. by Prof. O.J.F. Gomes and Smt. P.S.   Tadkodkar.
    (c) Ratha Tujeo Ghudieo—by Smt. Jayanti Naik.
Section B: Poetry
  1. (a) Ev ani Mori: Poetry by Eduardo Bruno de Souza.
    (b) Abravanchem Yadnyadan—by Luis Mascarenhas.
  2. (a) Godde Ramayan—ed. by R.K. Rao.
    (b) Ratnahar I and II—collection of poems—ed. R. V. Pandit.
  3. (a) Zayo Zuyo—poems- Manohar L. Sardessai.
    (b) Kanadi Mati Konkani Kavi—Anthology of Poems—ed. Pratap Naik.
  4. (a) Adrushatache Kalle—Poems by Pandurang Bhangui.
    (b) Yaman—Poems by Madhav Borkar.

UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Books For Paper 1 and 2

Paper 1 Paper 2
  • Saraswat Konkani Sahitya: Itihas Ani Samiksha by Ravindra Kelekar
  • Konkani Sahitya Darshan by Damodar Mauzo
  • Konkani Bhasheche Samajik Itihas by Madhavi Sardessai
  • Konkani Sahitya Anekatta: Ek Abhyan by Surendra H Naik
  • Konkani Abhivyakti by Vinayak Khedekar Konkani Sahitya by B B Borkar
  • Sahitya Loka: Konkani Sahitya Ani Bhasha by Anant G Kudtarkar
Literature texts from both prose and poetry sections mentioned in the syllabus.

Konkani Literature Optional Preparation Tips 

Konkani literature requires a slightly different strategy in terms of study. However, the basic strategy of reading and analysing subjects remains the same. Following the tips given below can help candidates score good marks in the subject:

  • Understand the Syllabus: Candidates must read the complete syllabus to understand the demand of the subject. This can help them score good marks.
  • Selecting Books: Candidates will have to select the books that cover the complete syllabus. In addition, Konkani literature works have to be read in detail.
  • Analyse PYQs: Download and read the questions from previous exams to get an idea of the type of questions asked in exams. In this way they can structure their preparation based on the demand of exams.
  • Practice Answer Writing: Konkani literature requires not just reading but also writing practice. Aspirants have to practice answer writing daily for good marks.
  • Read the Original Texts: It’s important to read the original writings in literature. This helps you create your own way of writing using beautiful language.
  • Meet the Demand of the Question: Stick to directly answering the question and avoid going off topic. Keep your response centred on the particular aspects of Konkani literature that are being inquired about.
  • Use Other Literature: Comparing literature from different languages like English, Hindi, marathi, Greek, African, and others can make your answers more interesting and unique.
  • Test Series: Candidates cannot excel in Konkani literature optional without adequate writing practice. They will have to write both sectional tests as well as full length tests for good marks.
  • Develop Critical Thinking: Konkani literature optional requires candidates to develop critical thinking to score good marks in the exam. Candidates have to view the topic in a multi-dimensional way.

UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Toppers Answer Sheet

Toppers’ answer sheets contain various clues regarding the art of answer writing. Candidates can analyse the answer sheet to understand the way questions are addressed. 

Candidates who have read the copies of toppers have benefitted from the knowledge and have been successful in scoring good marks.

Konkani literature has high potential of scoring due to its short syllabus and low competition. With proper planning and guidance, candidates can convert their knowledge into good marks.

Must Read
NCERT Notes For UPSC UPSC Daily Current Affairs
UPSC Blogs UPSC Daily Editorials
Daily Current Affairs Quiz Daily Main Answer Writing
UPSC Mains Previous Year Papers UPSC Test Series 2024


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UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus FAQs

Candidates will have to read the subject in an analytical way. They will need to practice answer writing daily to score good marks.

Not necessary. Candidates can join coaching for Konkani literature optional if they require support and guidance for the exam.

No. candidates writing UPSC Konkani literature optional will have to write answers in Konkani using Devanagari script.

Yes. Candidates can view the subject in an analytical way only by reading the original text. Reading synopsis cannot be a substitute for reading the complete text.

Candidates have to answer any five questions from a list of eight questions for Konkani optional. This is applicable for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of Konkani literature optional.

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