UPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024

PWOnlyIAS April 12, 2024 06:38 918 0

Learn the UPSC Prelims Syllabus by learning the General Studies and CSAT paper breakdowns in detail.

UPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024

UPSC Prelims Syllabus can overwhelm new aspirants. Here we simplify it into small topics for focused prep, helping candidates start their journey. 

UPSC Prelims Syllabus 

UPSC prelims syllabus can be divided into two papers: Paper I, which is General Studies (GS), and Paper II, which is CSAT. Candidates will have to prepare well for both papers to clear the prelims examination. For that to happen, covering the complete UPSC Prelims syllabus is imperative.

Candidates are required to study subjects such as Polity, History, Geography, Environment, Current Affairs etc. as part of GS Paper, and Quants, Reasoning and Reading Comprehension as part of CSAT Paper. By comprehensively preparing the subjects, the candidate has higher chances of excelling in the UPSC Prelims exam.

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UPSC Prelims Syllabus Complete Details

As mentioned above, the syllabus for UPSC prelims has not been mentioned in detail. The syllabus can  be broken down into micro topics by analysing questions asked in the exam. Hence, candidates also have to divide their preparation time into different slots, dedicated to each subject. 

The division of the UPSC Prelims syllabus into General Studies and CSAT has been provided below:

UPSC Prelims General Studies Syllabus For Paper I

  • Current Affairs: Current events of national and international importance.
  • History (Including Art and Culture) : History of India (Ancient, Medieval, and Modern) and Indian National Movement.
  • Geography : Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
  • Polity and Governance: Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  • Economy: Basic Economic Concepts, Growth, Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Trade, Demographics, Economic Organisations, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
  • Environment and Ecology: General issues on Environmental ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization.
  • Science and Technology: General Science and Current affairs related to scientific developments.

Prelims General Studies Syllabus For Paper II (CSAT): 

  • Comprehension: Reading Comprehension, Antonyms and Synonyms, Grammar, Vocabulary.
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills: Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, Speaking, Listening, and Writing Skills.
  • Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability: Analogies, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction Sense, Venn Diagrams, Series, Analytical Reasoning, Syllogism.
  • Decision-making and Problem Solving: Decision Making, Problem-Solving, Decision Analysis, Data Sufficiency.
  • General Mental Ability: Number series, Letter series , Mixed Patterns, Word Patterns.
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. — Class X level); 

UPSC Prelims Exam Pattern

Type General Studies Paper 1  GS Paper II- (CSAT)
Questions 100 Objective Type 80 Objective Type
Marks 200 Marks 200 Marks
Negative Marking +2 Marks/Question and -0.66 Negative Marks/Question +2.5 Marks/Question /Question and -0.83 Negative Marks/Question
Duration Of Exam 2 Hours 2 Hours
Qualifying Marks Cut-Off List Minimum 33%
Languages English and Hindi English and Hindi.


Important Note: It is mandatory for the candidate to appear in both the papers examinations for the purpose of evaluation. The candidate will be disqualified if he/she does not appear in both papers of the preliminary examination. 

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Complete Booklist For UPSC Prelims 2024

UPSC prelims syllabus can be completely covered by referring to specific books by reputed authors. Reading from one standard book is generally preferred so as to save time. Following is a list of books that cover UPSC prelims syllabus comprehensively.

Subject Books
  • Indian Polity by M Laxmikant
  • Introduction to the Constitution of India by DD Basu
  • NCERT XI (Ancient & Medieval)
  • NCERT XII- Themes in Indian History.
  • India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra
  • Ancient India by R.S Sharma
  • NCERT VI – XII  
  • Certificate Physical Geography – G C Leong
  • Geography of India by Majid Husain
  • World Geography by Majid Husain
Environment and Ecology
  • Textbook of Environmental Studies by Erach Bharucha
  • A book by Shankar IAS on Environment.
  • Environment and Ecology – Biodiversity, Climate Change and Disaster Management by Majid Hussain
International Relation
  • Current Affairs
Science and Technology
  • Current Affairs 
  • NCERT XI and XII
  • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Art and Culture 
  • Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
  • NCERT XI- An introduction to Indian Art, Part -I
CSAT (Complete Syllabus)
  • Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey
  • A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non- Verbal reasoning by R S Aggarwal
  • General Studies Paper II for UPSC Preliminary Examination by Tata McGraw Hill
  • The Mantra of CSAT Paper II by Gautam Puri
  • CSAT Manual by Pearson

Significance of Current Affairs For UPSC Prelims

Current affairs play an important role in the UPSC preliminary exam. The UPSC mentions that a candidate has to know the current events of national and international importance as part of the syllabus. The nature of current affairs has evolved over time and in recent times, UPSC has transcended boundaries to include topics that were not conventionally asked. The importance of current affairs for UPSC prelims is as follows:

  • Awareness about the World: A civil servant has to be aware about the things that are going on around him/her. Mostly, global challenges and efforts by nations and various organizations to reduce such challenges and India’s role in them are a favorite topic of UPSC. Such awareness is generated by reading current affairs.
  • Marks Weightage: Current affairs forms a significant chunk of questions asked in UPSC prelims. Analysis has shown that 40-50% of questions are asked about current affairs directly or indirectly every year. 
  • Division of Current Affairs: Current affairs can be divided into subject categories such as science and technology, Economics, environment, Social Issues, etc. Candidates are advised to prepare for current affairs topic wise, as it can also help in mains preparation.
  • Science and Technology: It covers recent advancements, discoveries, or innovations in fields like space, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, Government ICT initiatives etc.
  • Economics: It covers topics such as current economic policies, trends, or issues affecting India or the world, such as GDP growth rates, inflation, international trade agreements, Efforts by India to reduce NPAs, New banking terminologies, FIscal deficits targets, BOP, etc.
  • Environment: Questions could focus on India’s efforts in dealing with environmental policies, conservation efforts, or ecological challenges like climate change, deforestation, or biodiversity loss. Major initiatives by major nations and organizations in the world, such as COP21, Kyoto Protocol, etc., can also be discussed in this section. It also includes discovery of new species, extinction of new species, lakes, wetlands, heritage sites, animals in news, etc.
  • Social Issues: The questions can be new initiatives for gender equality, poverty alleviation programs, healthcare reforms, or educational reforms. Candidates might be asked to analyze recent government initiatives, societal challenges, or emerging trends related to education, healthcare, or social welfare schemes.
  • Linkage between Theory and Application: Current affairs from the bridge between theories read in books and their real-life application. 
  • Holistic Understanding: A broader holistic understanding of events can be understood by reading current affairs. It forms the context for any event across the world.
  • Dynamic Thinking: A candidate’s thinking has to be dynamic. His/her view has to be modified based on recent changes. Current affairs play a major role in making this change happen.

Strategic Preparation for UPSC Prelims: GS and CSAT

UPSC prelims syllabus cannot be completed without a proper plan. Candidates will have to have two separate approaches for GS and CSAT to overcome the time constraints. Following are some strategies that can be followed by candidates:

Strategy for General Studies

Strategy for CSAT

  • Understanding Syllabus: The first and foremost step is to understand the syllabus of the examination. Having a clear understanding of syllabus and knowing the difference in approach between prelims and mains will help a lot in preparation.
  • Analyse PYQs: Candidates need to analyse PYQs of the last 10-15 years. Analysis will givean idea of the type of questions asked and also the depth of knowledge required to solve the questions.
  • Focus on Core Subjects: There are certain core subjects that carry half of the marks in the preliminary examination and their syllabus is mainly static. Such subjects have to be covered as soon as possible.
  • Make Short Handwritten Notes: A successful candidate is most likely to have their own handwritten notes. The compilation of short notes helps in quick revision of concepts. 
  • Read Newspapers Regularly: Reading newspapers daily will increase the capability of the candidate to understand issues taking place around the world. It also helps candidates in their mains preparation.
  • Attempt UPSC Test Series: Test series can act as simulations and also help candidates to identify their strengths, weaknesses, develop ability to understand questions, and apply their knowledge effectively. Candidates can join a reputable IAS coaching institute toavail ofl a test series.
  • Develop MCQ Aptitude: MCQ aptitude is the ability of a candidate to develop a personal strategy to solve MCQs. The nature of the questions may not be difficult, but the nature of the options, which makes it difficult. Hence, a candidate will have to keep pace with the changing MCQ pattern and develop strategies accordingly.
  • Regular Revision: The nature of prelims topics has widened, making it almost impossible to cover all the dynamic subjects. In such a condition, regular revision enables a candidate to use his/her knowledge to eliminate wrong options.
  • Inter-link Static and Current Affairs: There is always an underlying reason why the topic has been asked by UPSC. This reason is usually based on current affairs. Hence, inter-linking static and current affairs helps candidates prepare better for the examination.
  • Analyse Topics: Make a list of topics on which UPSC generally asks questions. This is because, UPSC syllabus does not mention the subtopics that are part of the syllabus.
  • Quantitative and Reasoning: To prepare for quantitative reasoning, candidates have to sharpen their basics of math. If they face a problem in math, they would need to enrol in a CSAT course from a suitable coaching institute. They must not ignore the topic at any cost.
  • Time Management: Time management is of utmost importance as CSAT paper is lengthy and cannot be completely attempted. Candidates have to target topics that can be solved easily without much effort.
  • Focus on Comprehension: Comprehension cannot be ignored as it helps candidates easily clear the required 33% of marks. With the right approach, comprehension can be easily attempted.
  • Identify the type of question asked in this and make strategies to tackle different types of questions. For example:  Assumption based or Inference based RC
  • Regular Practice: There is a popular belief that students from science backgrounds can easily clear CSAT without practice. However, the increasing level of difficulty has made it difficult to clear CSAT without adequate preparation.
  • Test Series: It is advisable to use test series to practice CSAT. It will help in managing the stress during the actual day of the exam. You can join any good coaching institute for the test series.
  • Solve PYQ: Try to solve PYQ papers in exam-like situations to improve your aptitude. At least the last 5 year question papers have to be solved in this manner before the real exam.


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The UPSC Prelims syllabus has not undergone changes over the years, but the questions asked from the syllabus have evolved. The examination is not just restricted to core topics; subsidiary interlinkages are also very important. However, it does not mean that we should completely stop focusing on core subjects. These core subjects were important and will always remain so. Candidates will just have to read the topics in depth to have a better chance of scoring good marks. 

The examination not only tests a candidate’s knowledge; it also tests their ability to comprehend complex information, analyze data, and make reasoned judgments. It also evaluates candidates’ aptitude for problem-solving and their capacity to apply knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Must Read
NCERT Notes For UPSC UPSC Daily Current Affairs
UPSC Blogs UPSC Daily Editorials
Daily Current Affairs Quiz Daily Main Answer Writing
UPSC Mains Previous Year Papers UPSC Test Series 2024


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Frequently Asked Questions

As part of preparation, candidates will have to study current affairs spanning at least one year. In some cases, they may have to read beyond one year.

No. candidates have to cover newspapers and other important sources for current affairs such as PIB, PRS, Down to Earth etc.

Not necessary. You can identify one core book to prepare for a particular subject. For better understanding you can refer to another book.

If you are a beginner, you may need at least 7-8 months to cover UPSC prelims syllabus. Others can cover the syllabus in about 3-4 months.

Current affairs form an important part of UPSC prelims exams. Analysing previous question papers, it is found that current affairs form 40-50% of questions.

UPSC prelims syllabus is given vaguely. To prepare all the important topics for the exam, it is necessary to further divide topics into sub-topics.

No. Both prelims and mains have to be studied together when you begin your preparation. After completing the first round of syllabus, candidates have to identify topics that are not part of mains and then prepare them separately.

Yes. It is advisable for candidates to prepare their own notes while studying for the UPSC exam. These notes will be helpful during the revision phase.

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 Final Result – CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2023.   Udaan-Prelims Wallah ( Static ) booklets 2024 released both in english and hindi : Download from Here!     Download UPSC Mains 2023 Question Papers PDF  Free Initiative links -1) Download Prahaar 3.0 for Mains Current Affairs PDF both in English and Hindi 2) Daily Main Answer Writing  , 3) Daily Current Affairs , Editorial Analysis and quiz ,  4) PDF Downloads  UPSC Prelims 2023 Trend Analysis cut-off and answer key

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