UPSC Prelims Mock Test Strategy

UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of the toughest and most challenging examinations in the country. With this, the UPSC prelims exam is the first selection stage of the recruitment process. Candidates need to clear the prelims exam in order to get shortlisted for the mains exam.

Therefore, it is crucial for the aspirants to create a robust IAS prelims mock test strategy to increase their chances of clearing the exam. Furthermore, UPSC mock test paper is one of the essential tools in the IAS preparation.

Just like attempting mock interviews before the actual UPSC interview, solving online test series for UPSC prelims and mains exam are equally important to maximize the qualifying chances. With this, aspirants should ensure that they attempt only those IAS mock tests that are based on the latest exam pattern and use the right strategy while solving the UPSC mock test pdf to strengthen their preparation.

Apart from the mock papers, candidates should also solve UPSC Previous Year Question Papers to understand the competition level and types of questions asked. In this blog, we have shared below the best prelims mock test strategy for the candidates aspiring for the upcoming civil services exam.

UPSC Exam Pattern 2023-Prelims

Candidates should go through the detailed UPSC Notification and exam pattern carefully before commencing the preparation. Moreover, it is crucial to understand the exam requirements in a better manner. This will help them to identify whether the UPSC mock test paper is based on the latest pattern or not. Check the detailed UPSC exam pattern for the prelims exam discussed below:

  • The IAS prelims exam comprises two compulsory papers.
  • The question paper will be of the objective type with multiple choice questions.
  • Each paper will carry 200 marks with an exam duration of 2 hours each.
  • The medium of the question paper will be English and Hindi.
  • There shall be a negative marking of one-third (0.33) marks for wrong answers.
Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
General Studies-1 100 200 2 hours
General Studies-2 80 200 2 hours

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Top UPSC Prelims Mock Test Strategy

Candidates should build a UPSC mock test strategy in a way that they are able to revise all the covered concepts with ease. Thus, we have shared below the best strategy to attempt the test series for UPSC prelim exam in the right manner.

Enroll in the right UPSC mock test series

There is a plethora of IAS mock test series available on online and offline platforms for civil services exam preparation. Thus, it becomes important for the aspirants to choose the right test series carefully. Furthermore, they can check the feedback of the IAS Toppers before finalizing the one. In fact, they can also attempt free prelims mock tests offered by a few online platforms to determine the quality and then decide accordingly. The right mock test will help candidates to assess their performance and allow them to work on improving their weak areas to achieve desired UPSC results.

Manage Time Effectively

It has been observed that the candidates attempt mock papers without keeping a tab on the prescribed time limit. Hence, it is advisable to solve the online test series for UPSC in a time-bound manner. This will help them to learn from their mistakes so that they can avoid committing the same in the actual exam. Candidates must enroll in the best test series to determine their strong and weak areas and improve their performance after attempting UPSC mock test pdf.

Analyse Strong & Weak Areas

Candidates can identify their strong and weak areas with the help of the best IAS prelims mock test strategy. They will also be able to track their performance level and implement the best strategy to improve their rank after each test. Furthermore, solving mock papers will allow them to focus more on the areas that require attention.

Revise the Questions

The next IAS prelims mock test strategy should be that the candidates should revise the mock papers after attempting them. Just going through the mock questions once is not sufficient as the candidates may forget the concepts or other important details. Hence, it is advisable to revise the attempted mock papers with detailed explanations once a week to retain details for a longer period. Along with revising the questions from mock tests and previous papers, candidates should also download UPSC Prelims Answer Key 2022 to determine the number of correct responses marked by them.

Do Not Delay Prelims Mock Tests

It is observed that many candidates attempt mock papers in the last week of their preparation. However, this approach could reduce their chances of clearing the prelim exam. Therefore, it is advised to start solving sectional mock papers soon after covering the basic concepts and attempt full-length mock papers upon completing the UPSC syllabus.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How many mocks are sufficient for prelims?

Ans. It is recommended to attempt 1-2 prelims mock tests every day to strengthen the preparation level and chances of scoring high in the exam.

Q2. How to practice prelims mock test?

Ans. Candidates should first enroll in the right mock series and then analyze their performance after attempting the same. Furthermore, they should revise all the mock questions to remember the concepts for long period.

Q3. How to get 120 in prelims?

Ans. Candidates should follow the latest syllabus, and grasp the basic concepts of all the topics covered in the syllabus. With this, they must attempt unlimited mock papers and previous year’s papers to score 120+ marks in the prelims exam.

Q4. Which mocks are best for UPSC Prelims?

Ans. PWOnlyIAS is one of the best online platforms for attempting mock papers for the UPSC prelims exam.

Q5. Is prelims tougher than mains?

Ans. No. The IAS Prelims exam is qualifying in nature and the score obtained in this exam is not added to the final result. However, UPSC Mains is tougher as it is descriptive in nature and it comprises a total of nine papers covering the vast UPSC syllabus.

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