Contingency Fund of India, Meaning, Corpus and Benefits

Madhavi Gaur August 30, 2023 04:28 15469 0

Contingency Fund of India, Meaning, Corpus and Benefits

Contingency Fund of India

The Contingency Fund of India was established under Article 267(2) of the Indian Constitution. It empowers the President to utilize the fund for making loans in urgent situations while awaiting Parliamentary approval for unforeseen expenditures like disasters, wars, riots, etc. Managed by the Finance Secretary, this fund is an essential aspect of Indian Polity and a crucial topic in the UPSC Syllabus.

Contingency Fund of India
Contingency Fund of India

Key Points about the Contingency Fund of India

  1. Origin: The Contingency Fund of India is outlined in Article 267(2) of the Indian Constitution. It is meant to address unforeseen financial needs.
  2. Usage: The fund can be accessed by the President for providing loans during emergencies, awaiting subsequent parliamentary authorization.
  3. Management: The Finance Secretary supervises the President’s funds, ensuring their proper utilization.
  4. Indian Polity Significance: It holds importance in the realm of Indian Polity and features prominently in the UPSC Syllabus. Aspiring students can benefit from UPSC Mock Tests to enhance their preparation.

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Definition of Contingency Fund of India

As per the Constitution, the establishment of the “Contingency Fund of India” falls under the jurisdiction of Parliament, into which periodically accumulated funds are deposited. Subsequently, the India Contingency Fund Act was enacted by Parliament in 1950. In alignment with Article 267 of the Constitution, an advance carrying a corpus of 500 crore rupees is identified as the Contingency Fund of India.

The fund’s overall value escalated from Rs. 5 crore to Rs. 500 crore in 2005. Following consultation with the Union Cabinet and obtaining parliamentary consent, the President of India holds the authority to allocate funds from the Union government’s Contingency Fund of India. A parliamentary vote is required for this allocation. The financial secretary is responsible for the administration of the President’s funds, akin to the management of the Public Account of India, done through executive order.

As per Article 267(2) of the Constitution, every State Government is mandated to institute a contingency fund. The Governor is granted access to this fund through an advance, which allows them to provide for unforeseen expenses while awaiting approval from the State Legislature.

Contingency Fund of India Composition and Usage

  • According to the Constitution, the Parliament is authorized to establish the “Contingency Fund of India” and contribute funds to it at intervals.
  • The India Contingency Fund Act of 1950 formalized this process.
  • The fund’s value increased from Rs. 5 crore to Rs. 500 crore in 2005.
  • The President, with Union Cabinet and parliamentary approval, can allocate funds from the Union government’s Contingency Fund of India, necessitating a parliamentary vote.
  • The financial secretary manages the President’s funds, akin to the Public Account of India.

Contingency Fund of India at State Level

  • Article 267(2) of the Constitution mandates each State Government to establish a contingency fund.
  • This fund empowers the Governor to access advances, covering unexpected expenses while awaiting State Legislature consent.

Optimal Size and Power Holder

  • Generally, maintaining an emergency fund equivalent to 3 to 6 months of living expenses is recommended.
  • Under the “Contingency Fund of India Act, 1950,” the fund is held by the finance secretary on behalf of the President, who requires legislative consent for fund withdrawal.

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Corpus and Benefits

  • The corpus under the Contingency Fund of India is the permanent reserve for essential national costs.
  • The fund’s initial capital was Rs. 5 crore and was raised to Rs. 500 crore in 2005. A recent recommendation suggests increasing it to Rs. 30,000 crore.
  • Withdrawals from the fund necessitate legislative approval to preserve the corpus.
  • Benefits include debt protection, reduced stress from unforeseen costs, enhanced decision-making, and the ability to meet financial goals without compromising on living expenses.

As per Article 267 of the Indian Constitution, the Contingency Fund of India must establish a corpus to manage emergency situations. This permanent fund is reserved to cover essential expenses for the country’s management and survival, known as the corpus, which can occasionally increase.

To protect the corpus, any spending or withdrawal from the contingency fund requires legislative approval. Similarly, the state legislature must endorse all disbursements from the state contingency fund. Furthermore, each Indian state’s legislature determines the varying amount of the state contingency fund corpus.

Benefits of the Contingency Fund of India

Establishing an emergency fund is a paramount approach to navigate financial challenges. Below are some key advantages of maintaining a contingency fund:

  1. Debt Protection: Without a contingency fund, countries may be compelled to borrow money at potentially high interest rates to cover unforeseen expenses. This can significantly endanger one’s financial strategy and lead to substantial interest and principal payments over an extended period.
  2. Stress Reduction: Unforeseen emergencies can create sudden cash outflows, causing negative psychological and emotional impacts and disrupting budget plans. Relying on high-interest loans to address such costs exacerbates the situation. A contingency fund offers reassurance in handling unexpected expenses.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: Maintaining a dedicated emergency account separate from the primary banking account simplifies decisions about discretionary spending. Proper allocation of funds for daily expenses, savings, and contingencies becomes clearer.
  4. Financial Goal Achievement: A contingency fund allows addressing unexpected expenditures without jeopardizing the ability to cover essential living costs. This enables the pursuit of long-term investment goals while staying on course with overall financial objectives. Strategizing replenishment of the emergency fund after utilizing it for unforeseen expenses is also possible.

Differences between Consolidated Fund and Contingency Fund of India

Consolidated Fund of India Contingency Fund of India
Covered by Article 266 (1) of the Indian Constitution. Established under Article 267 (1) for the central government and Article 267 (2) for state governments.
Largest and encompasses all government revenue, both taxable and non-taxable, including loans, interest, allowances, salaries, and pensions. Reserved for unforeseen expenses during crises, such as natural disasters or armed conflicts.
Requires parliamentary approval before expenditures can be made. The President and state governors can access the fund during emergencies, subject to post-expenditure approval from the parliament or state legislature, respectively.
Used for catastrophe management by both central and state governments.

Contingency Fund of India in UPSC

The Indian Constitution establishes three significant funds for effective financial management of the government: the Consolidated Fund of India (Article 266), the Contingency Fund of India (Article 267), and the Public Accounts of India (Article 266). The Contingency Fund is crucial for managing catastrophes at both the central and state levels. To access more information related to UPSC, students can explore the official website of PWonlyIAS UPSC Online Coaching.

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Contingency Fund of India
Contingency Fund of India
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Contingency Fund of India

The Contingency Fund of India comes into play during national emergencies, such as natural disasters, when funds are needed to address the situation. The Indian government had put forth a proposal to augment the Contingency Fund of India from Rs 500 crore to Rs 30,000 crore through the Finance Bill in the 2021-22 Budget.

The Consolidated Fund of India has been divided into 'Revenue' and 'Capital' segments. In contrast, the Contingency Fund assists the Government in addressing unforeseen expenses that cannot be delayed until parliamentary approval. Both of these fund categories hold significant importance within India's financial framework.

A contingency fund is a distinct savings account designated for expected or foreseen expenditures that lie outside of your typical budget. Instances where a contingency fund might be necessary include covering yearly car maintenance, addressing household repairs, financing medical check-ups, or accommodating travel arrangements.

In the fiscal year 2022-23, the Reserve Bank of India allocated Rs 1.3 lakh crore to its contingency fund. As of March 2023, the contingency risk buffer has been upheld at 6%, showing an increase from the 5.5% level observed a year earlier.

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