

March 06, 2023


Scientists at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) recently outlined a plan for a potentially revolutionary new area of research called “organoid intelligence”, which aims to create “bio­computers”. 

6.2 mar

Image Source: The Hindu

What is biocomputer

  • Here, brain cultures grown in the lab are coupled to real­world sensors and input/output devices.
  • The scientists expect the technology to harness the processing power of the brain and understand the biological basis of human cognition, learning, and various neurological disorders.

Premise of this technology

  • Studying the human brain has been difficult, and researchers have traditionally used rat brains to investigate neurological disorders.
  • Scientists are now building 3D cultures of brain tissue in the lab called brain organoids to develop systems more relevant to humans.
  • Brain organoids are built using human stem cells and capture many structural and functional features of a developing human brain.
  • Researchers use brain organoids to study human brain development and test drugs to see how they respond.
  • However, brain organoids currently lack sensory inputs and blood circulation, limiting their growth and sophistication.

What is the new ‘bio­computer’? 

  • JHU researchers plan to create “bio-computers” by combining brain organoids with modern computing methods.
  • Organoids will be grown inside flexible structures with multiple electrodes to record firing patterns and deliver electrical stimuli.
  • Machine-learning techniques will be used to analyze the response patterns of neurons and their effects on human behavior and biology.
  • Human neurons have already been grown on a microelectrode array that can both record and stimulate them.
  • Brain organoids can be developed using stem cells from individuals with neurodegenerative or cognitive disorders.
  • Comparing data between healthy and patient-derived organoids can reveal the biological basis of human cognition, learning, and memory.

Opportunities for ‘bio-computers’:

  • Processing complex information: Bio-computers can utilize the superior processing power of the human brain to handle complex tasks.
  • Researching neurodegenerative diseases: Brain organoids developed using stem cells from patients with neurodegenerative diseases can be used to decode the pathology of these diseases and develop drugs to treat them.
  • Revealing the biological basis of human cognition: Comparing the data on brain structure, connections, and signalling between healthy and patient-derived organoids can reveal the biological basis of human cognition, learning, and memory.
  • Advancing drug development: Brain organoids can be used to test drugs for effectiveness and safety before they are tested on humans, potentially speeding up the drug development process.

Are ‘bio­computers’ ready for commercial use?

  • Scaling up brain organoids and incorporating non-neuronal cells is crucial for improving their computing capacity. 
  • Developing microfluidic systems and Big Data infrastructure will also be necessary to generate and store large amounts of data. 
  • Scientists have said that the challenge is now to establish long­-term memory which is expected to be achieved this within 1-­2 years. 
  • There is also a proposal for an ethics team to address any ethical concerns.

News Source: The Hindu The Hindu

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