The Telangana Public Service Commission (TGPSC) has been designated as the coordinator for all legal issues concerning Public Service Commissions (PSCs) in India.
- TGPSC will also provide subject experts for various topics to assist PSCs across the country.
- The decision was made during the 25th National Conference of the Chairpersons of PSCs held in Bengaluru.
- The conference was inaugurated by Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankar in the presence of Karnataka Chief Minister, Karnataka Governor Thawar Chand Gehlot, and UPSC Chairperson Preeti Sudan.
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About State Public Service Commission (SPSC)
- Historical Background: In 1926, on the recommendation of Lee Commission (1924), the Federal Public Service Commission was established.
- The Government of India Act, 1935 provided for Federal Public Service Commissions, Provincial Public Service Commission and Joint Public Service Commission.
- Constitutional Body: SPSCs are established under Articles 315-323 of the Indian Constitution (Part-XIV).
- These articles define the structure, powers, and functions of Public Service Commissions at the Union and State levels.
- Article 315: Constitution of Public Service Commissions (PSC) for the Union and for the States of India.
- Role and Functions
- Conducts examinations for recruitment to state services.
- Advises on matters related to recruitment, promotions, transfers, and disciplinary actions within the state public services.
- Appointments and Term
- The Governor appoints the members of the SPSC under Article 316.
- Reappointment: Individuals who have previously served as members of an SPSC cannot be reappointed to the same position.
- Condition Of Service: Under Article 318 for SPSC, the Governor may regulate:
- Number and service conditions of Commission members.
- Number and service conditions of Commission staff.
- Service conditions of a Public Service Commission member cannot be altered to their disadvantage after appointment.
- Term: Members serve for a term of 6 years or until the age of 62 years, whichever is earlier.
- Resignation and Removal
- Resignation: Members can resign by submitting a written resignation to the Governor.
- Removal: Members can only be removed by the President for reasons such as:
- Insolvency.
- Engaging in paid employment outside their office.
- Misbehavior or incapacity (following an inquiry by the Supreme Court).
- Expenses: The expenses of the SPSC are charged to the Consolidated Fund of the State, ensuring financial independence and autonomy.
Joint Public Service Commission (JPSC)
- The Constitution makes provision for a JPSC to cater to the needs of two or more states.
- JPSC is formed by an act of parliament. Thus, a JSPSC is a statutory and not a constitutional body.
- It submits reports to the concerned State Governors.
- Example: The two states of Punjab and Haryana had a JSPSC for a short period, after the creation of Haryana out of Punjab in 1966.
- Annual Report of SPSC: Under Article 323, it is the duty of a State Commission to present annually to the Governor of the State a report as to the work done by the Commission.
- It is the duty of a Joint Commission to present an annual report to the Governor of each of the States under the Joint Public Service Commission (JPSC).
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National Conference of Public Service Commissions
- Overview: Established under Article 315 of the Constitution to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and information between the Union and State Public Service Commissions.
- The Conference is held from time to time with no fixed period.
- All 29 State Public Service Commissions participate in the conference, along with the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
- Historical Background
- The first National Conference was held in 1949.
- In 1999, the Chairman of UPSC became the ex-officio Chairman of the conference.
- Significance
- Serves as a platform to discuss methods of recruitment, personnel policies, and examination conduct.
- Addresses changes in the socioeconomic environment and their impact on the functioning of Public Service Commissions.
- Facilitates collaboration to meet constitutional obligations and public expectations.
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