Classical Language Status Approved for Five Languages

The Union Cabinet approved classical language status for five more languages i.e. Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Pali, and Prakrit.

Revised Criteria for Classical Language Status

  • Earlier classical languages: Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Sanskrit, and Odia.
  • The Linguistics Expert Committee revised the criteria for classical status in July 2024. 
    • This committee includes representatives from the Union Ministries of Home and Culture and linguistic experts, chaired by the Sahitya Akademi.

What are classical languages?

  • Indian classical languages, also known as Shastriya Bhasha, refer to languages with a deep historical background, rich literary traditions and a unique cultural heritage. 
  • These languages have significantly contributed to the intellectual and cultural development of the region, with their texts offering valuable insights into various domains like literature, philosophy and religion.

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Criteria For Classical Language Status: The Ministry of Culture has rules that must be followed in order to be classified as a classical language in India:

  • Ancient origin: The language should have high antiquity of its early texts/recorded history over a period of 1,500-2,000 years.
  • Literary heritage: The language should contain a body of ancient literature or texts that is considered a valuable heritage by generations of speakers.

The Constitution of India contains several provisions regarding languages

  • Eighth Schedule: Lists the official languages of India, which initially included 14 languages but has been expanded to 22 languages.
    • These languages are recognized for use in government communication, examinations, and legislative matters.
    • 9 Classical Languages are listed under the 8th Schedule of the Constitution, whereas, Pali and the Prakrit(s) are designated “classical” but not included in the 8th Schedule.
  • Article 120: It states that business in Parliament is to be conducted in Hindi or English. 
    • However, members can speak in their native languages with prior permission of the Presiding Officer of the house.
  • Article 210: It allows the use of Hindi, English, or the language of the respective state.
    • However, English can continue to be used for legislative purposes as long as the legislature permits it.
  • Article 345: States that the legislature of a state may adopt one or more languages for official purposes of the state, but until that happens, English will continue as an official language for those purposes.

  • Originality: The literary tradition should be original and not borrowed from another speech community.
  • Discontinuity from modern avatars: The said language and literature should be distinct from its modern format with a marked discontinuity between the classical language and its later forms or its offshoots.

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Benefits of Classical Status

  • Academic and Research Support: Establishment of Centres of Excellence for studies in classical languages.
  • International Awards: Two major annual international awards for scholars in classical languages.
  • Professional Chairs: University Grants Commission (UGC) is requested to create academic chairs for the languages in Central Universities.
  • Cultural Recognition: The recognition honours the literary and historical contributions of these languages to Indian heritage.
  • Job Creation: The preservation, documentation, and digitization of ancient texts will create employment opportunities in fields like archiving, translation, publishing, and digital media.

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