Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC), Standard Time for the Moon


May 09, 2024


The US directed NASA to establish a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) to standardize cislunar operations with Earth’s universal time to enhance scientific missions.

Lunar Missions by Nations:

  • In September 2025, NASA’s four-member Artemis crew is scheduled to fly around the moon.
  • China will put its astronauts on the moon by 2030.
  • India plans to land in 2040. 

Deadline for Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)

The US has established a deadline of December 31, 2026, for NASA and its international partners to devise a strategy for LTC implementation. NASA has been directed to engage with the 39 nations who have signed the Artemis Accords for this project. 

  • Demand for Unified Lunar Time: In November 2022, the need for a unified lunar time was voiced globally by space agencies and academic organizations that agreed on “a common lunar reference time.’’

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Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)

Standard for Cislunar Operations: The Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)  will be the standard to measure cislunar operations — space activities between the moon and Earth — with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the global time used to regulate time on Earth. 

Artemis Accord:

  • About: It is a US-led alliance seeking to facilitate international collaboration in planetary exploration and research.
  • Members: The Accords have been signed by 26 countries till now. China and Russia are not part of this initiative.
  • Principles of Artemis Accord:
    • Not to use space for military purposes, 
    • A promise to cooperate on matters of safety of space assets and astronauts, and 
    • a willingness to share scientific data from space missions.

Artemis Programme: It aims to return to the moon, set up a permanent station there, and then use it for deep space exploration. 

  • Need for LTC: In 2023, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched a project called ‘Moonlight’ to design satellites for astronauts and robotic explorers, which will be used to support NASA’s moon mission ‘Artemis.’ 
  • During the project, discussions emerged regarding establishing a unified time zone for the moon and the approach to achieving it.
  • On Earth, a 24-hour day is adhered to based on the planet’s rotation. However, the moon rotates much slower—every 29.5 Earth days.”  
  • Due to its slow rotation, it would be feasible to implement fewer time zones than Earth’s 24 time zones.
  • This concept mirrors the structure of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  • Establishing a Permanent Human Presence on the Moon: With space agencies across the world aiming to establish a permanent human presence on the moon, LTC is required.
    • Commercial operations on the lunar surface involving transactions and logistics will be more reliable with the LTC.
  • Role of LTC in Lunar Navigation and Coordination: A dedicated global satellite navigation system (GNSS) for the moon is to be developed by 2030. 
    • This system will function similar to how the Global positioning system (GPS) and other navigation networks work on Earth.
    • Thus, moon missions of various agencies will need an official lunar time to communicate with Earth-based stations and each other. 
    • All these must be linked to a single time reference, otherwise, coordination would become challenging.

Atomic Clocks:

Atomic clocks are devices that measure time based on the vibration of atoms are known for their extreme accuracy in measuring time. 

  • Solar time: Calculated by measuring the rotation of Earth on its axis relative to the Sun, is variable. 

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):

  • About: The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) was designed to accommodate the difference between solar time and atomic time
    • It is kept within 0.9 seconds of solar time to follow Earth’s rotation variations and within an exact number of seconds of the International Atomic Time (TAI). 
      • A weighted average of hundreds of atomic clocks produces the International Atomic Time (TAI).
    • Currently, moon missions follow the time of the country which operates the spacecraft, while the International Space station (ISS) runs on the UTC. However, a standardised time for space and the moon is not followed.

Features Needed for a Time Standard

  • Traceability to Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC): Lunar Time is analogous to Terrestrial Time on Earth (TAI+ 32.184 seconds). Similar to Terrestrial Time, Lunar Time may be set through an ensemble of clocks on the moon. 
    • This time standard, i.e., LTC may directly employ or distribute the UTC offsets required to maintain local and UTC time within tolerance limits.
  • Scalability beyond the Earth-Moon system: Conversion of LTC to UTC for operations involving interactions with Earth will be possible by using the above approach to set the LTC. 
    • This approach is also extensible to space environments beyond the Earth-Moon system (for example, for Mars).
  • Accuracy for precision navigation and science: The LTC will give users in cislunar space a reference time standard near the gravitational environment in which they operate. 
    • Space assets can synchronize with each other with precision for navigation.
  • Resilience to loss of contact with Earth: The reference time, LTC must survive independently when contact with Earth is lost.
    • Unlike Earth, the moon will have only one time zone and daylight saving will be unnecessary.

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Global Positioning System (GPS):

  • It is a satellite-based radio-navigation system used for monitoring and control.
  • The modern GPS consists of 24 satellites moving around the earth in six orbits. 

Issues in Defining and Implementing Coordinated Lunar Time

  • Gravitational Pull of Moon: The process of defining lunar time is complicated by the effect of the moon’s gravitational pull. 
    • As per special relativity theory, due to the weaker gravitational pull of the moon, a clock on the moon would run faster than one on Earth.
  • Impact of Lunar Surface Position on Clock Speed: A clock’s speed would also change depending on its position on the lunar surface, because of the moon’s rotation.
    • Any clock on the moon would gain 56 microseconds over 24 hours. Each lunar day spans approximately 29.5 Earth days. 
    • With the Artemis Programme aiming for a lunar landing as early as 2026, addressing this challenge for long-duration stays is imperative.
    • It is estimated that at least three master clocks, synchronized with the moon’s natural pace, need to be installed. These clocks, along with an algorithm are expected to produce a more precise time standard.
Also Read: IIA Captures Moon Occulting The Star Antares


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