Corpse Flower


January 29, 2025

Corpse Flower

Recently the rare corpse flower bloomed simultaneously in Sydney, Australia, and New York, U.S., marking its first bloom in Sydney in over a decade.

About Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus Titanum)

  • The corpse flower is recognized for its enormous size and resembles the smell of decaying flesh.
  • It is famous for its unusual blooming cycle and its ability to attract carrion-eating insects for pollination.
  • Habitat: The corpse flower is native to the rainforests of western Sumatra, Indonesia.
    • In Indonesia, it is known as Bunga bangkai, where Bunga means flower and bangkai means corpse.
  • Size and Structure: The plant can grow as tall as 3 meters (approximately 10 feet).
    • It features a tall, phallic-shaped spadix (a central spike) that is surrounded by a large, purple spathe (a petal-like structure) which unfurls during blooming.
  • Blooming Cycle: The corpse flower blooms infrequently, typically once every 7 to 10 years or more.
  • Corpse FlowerThe bloom lasts for only a single day.
    • Its blooming cycle depends on the amount of energy stored in its underground corm (a bulb-like structure).
    • The plant undergoes multiple leaf cycles, which help it accumulate sufficient energy before entering the flowering stage.
  • Odor: The flower emits a strong, unpleasant smell that resembles rotting meat.
    • This foul scent attracts carrion insects, such as flies and carnivorous bees, which play a crucial role in its pollination.

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  • The chemicals released during female flowering which gives it the odor are : 
    • Dimethyl disulfide – emits a garlic-like odor.
    • Dimethyl trisulfide – has a scent resembling rotting meat and cabbage.
    • 3-Methylbutanal – produces an aroma similar to ripening soft cheese.
    • Dimethyl sulfide & Methanethiol – both smell like boiled or rotting cabbage.
    • Methyl thioacetate – carries a strong sulfurous odor.
    • Isovaleric acid – gives off a scent reminiscent of smelly feet.
  • Pollination: The corpse flower relies on carrion insects for pollination.
    • It contains both male and female flowers, but the female flowers bloom first to prevent self-pollination.
  • IUCN Conservation Status:  Endangered
    • Reasons: Habitat destruction, deforestation, and illegal poaching.

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