Severe Cyclone Remal


Recently, As per the prediction of The India Meteorological Department (IMD),  Cyclone Remal hit the coasts of Bangladesh and West Bengal.  

Cyclone Remal Latest Update

Cyclone Remal

  • It caused individuals to lose their lives, power outages, and  inundation of Coastal areas. 
  • Remal is expected to steadily consolidate and intensify as it moves into a narrow zone of low wind shear in the northern portion of the Bay of Bengal.

About Cyclone Remal

Cycone remal is a tropical cyclone  in the Northern Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal). 

  • Remal means “sand” in Arabic.
    • It was named by Oman.
  • This naming follows a standard protocol for cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

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Reason behind arrival and formation of Remal Cyclone

There are various reasons behind formation of Remal cyclone

  • Sea Surface Warming: One of the main reasons for Remal’s formation and strengthening is the warming of sea water.
    • As the sea surface temperature rises, it provides energy for cyclones to develop and intensify. 
  • Low Wind Shear: Strong winds at different altitudes can interfere with cyclone development.
    • Areas with low wind shear create a more favorable environment for a storm to organize and strengthen.
  • Moist Atmosphere: Tropical cyclones thrive on moisture in the atmosphere. 
    • Abundant moisture allows for condensation, which releases energy further fueling the storm.
  • Atmospheric Instability: Certain atmospheric conditions create instability, allowing warm, moist air to rise rapidly. 
    • This rising air cools and condenses that  forms  clouds and releases  energy that powers the cyclone. 

Naming Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean:

  • Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC): The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) formed the Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC) in 1972.
    • Originally comprised eight member countries: Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sultanate of Oman, and Thailand.
  • Naming Cyclones:
    • At the twenty-seventh session in 2000 in Muscat, Oman, the PTC decided to assign names to tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
    • Cyclone naming started in 2004 after finalizing a list based on recommendations from panel countries.
  • Expansion of the PTC:
    • In 2018, the PTC expanded to include Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
  • Current Cyclone Naming List:
    • In April 2020, a list of 169 cyclone names was released, with 13 suggestions from each of the 13 countries. This list is currently in use.
  • Guiding Principles for Cyclone
    • Neutrality: Proposed names should be neutral and not favour any particular political party, religion, culture, or gender.
    • Sensitivity: Name should not hurt the sentiments of the people around the world. 
    • Respectful Tone: Name should be short, easy to pronounce and not offensive, cruel, and rude. 
    • Length Limit: Cyclones name can go to maximum  eight letters long. 

Impact of Cyclone Remal:

  • Cyclone Remal’s landfall brought widespread destruction and disruption to coastal India and Bangladesh.

About Cyclone

Cyclone is a large air mass. It rotates around a central point of low atmospheric pressure.

  • When viewed from above. 
    • In the Northern Hemisphere, it rotates Counterclockwise. 
    • In the Southern Hemisphere, it rotates clockwise. 

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Required condition for a Cyclone:

  • Sea surface with high temperature (above 27^0).
  • Presence of coriolis effect for the creation of a cyclonic vortex.
  • Small variations in the vertical wind speed.
  • Latent heat for driving storm’s energy
  • Upper level divergence above the Sea Level System. 
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