Dengue fever: Statistics, Causes, and Initiatives to Dengue Control


April 29, 2024


Dengue fever is spreading across regions such as southern Europe and the United States as the planet is getting warmer. 

Dengue fever

  • Aedes is increasing risk of getting dengue by 2bn people 

About Dengue fever

This fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease.

  • Transmission of disease: A bite from Infected Aedes can transmit dengue fever if the mosquito is carrying a flavivirus pathogen.
    • The Aedes species is a mosquito, such as Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus.
  • Its symptoms typically begin 3 to 14 days after infection.

Dengue fever

Statistics of Dengue fever

Dengue feveris common in tropical and subtropical regions due to various reasons

  • The climatic conditions of Tropical and subtropical regions are warm and humid.
  • Tropical and Subtropical regions are dense. 
  • Increase in Dengue fever Deaths: In 2000, approximately 20,000 people died from dengue, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).
    • Current Year Data: This year, the death toll is expected to reach at least 40,000, marking a significant rise in fatalities.
  • Contrast with Malaria:
    • In contrast, malaria deaths decreased by 30% between 2000 and 2022, according to WHO data.
  • Impact of Dengue fever on India 
    • 1950 and 1960: Dengue fever was concentrated in southeast Asian countries. 

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Year  Dengue  cases in India
2017 188,401 
2018 101,192 
2019,  157,315 
2021. 193,245
2022 110,473
      • It started prevailing worldwide in 1970 
      • In India, This disease spread by 2012–13. 
    • Decade Trend
      • Over the decades from 1951–60 to 2012–21, the number of favorable months for dengue transmission in India increased annually by 1.69%.
        • It  reached 5.6 months.
      • Dengue cases in India: Each year, dengue cases surpass lakhs cases in India. 
        • It causes tremendous pressure on the Indian healthcare system. 
          • During pandemic 2020, dengue incidence had decreased by 56-60%. 
          • Highest Dengue cases: Dengue cases were highest in 2021. 
            • Again in 2022, the case declined 

Factors Contributing to Dengue fever Spread

  • Climate Change and Mosquito Range:

    • Higher temperature sensitivity: Higher temperatures and humidity create favorable conditions for mosquito breeding.
      • Due to current climate trends, Aedes could spread to southern Europe and the United States.
  • Urbanization:

    • Favorable condition: Urbanization facilitates the spread of dengue as mosquitoes find more hosts in densely populated areas.
      • Dengue cases are increasing in previously unaffected regions like Bangladesh, India, California, southern Europe, and subtropical Africa.
  • Water Storage Practices:

    • Breeding in stagnant water: Aedes mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, which is commonly found in containers and water storage vessels.
    • Improper water storage practices, such as open containers and neglected water sources, create ideal breeding sites for mosquitoes, leading to higher dengue transmission rates.
  • Lack of Effective Vector Control:

    • Inadequate vector control: lack of  measures, such as mosquito surveillance and elimination programs, contribute to the continued spread of dengue.
    • Limited resources and infrastructure: lack of proper infrastructure and limited resources in some regions hinder efforts to effectively control mosquito populations and prevent dengue outbreaks.

Innovative Approaches to Dengue Control

  • Singapore’s Approach:
    • Singapore uses both traditional methods and innovative strategies like releasing mosquitoes infected with wolbachia bacteria.
      • Since 2016, Singapore has implemented a technologically advanced dengue program.
        • This method, combined with vaccine development, offers a promising alternative to traditional mosquito control.
  • Dengue feverVaccine in India: Currently, there is no approved vaccine in India. 
    • However, Initiatives are going on for “Dengusiil”. 
  • Impact of Wolbachia:
    • Trials in Colombia: These trials have shown a significant reduction in dengue cases where wolbachia-infected mosquitoes were released.
    • largest wolbachia-mosquito factory: Brazil is set to host the world’s largest wolbachia-mosquito factory.
      • This initiative will help other regions to combat dengue.

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