A recent submission by the Environment Ministry to the National Green Tribunal has revealed gaps in the implementation of the National Clean Air Programme.
Findings of the Report on National Clean Air Programme
- Achievers: The top five cities in terms of fund utilization are Amritsar at 99%, Jhansi at 98%, Pune at 96%, Jharkhand at 94% and Navi Mumbai at 92%.
- Amritsar saw a 38% improvement in PM 10 levels compared to the base year (2017)
- Major Contributors: The major sources of PM10 were found to be road dust, vehicular emissions and the industry sector.
- Implementation Gaps: It includes, lack of completion of source apportionment studies, and poor performance in meeting NCAP targets and under-utilization of NCAP funds.
- Under-utilization of NCAP Funds: Delhi is among the bottom five cities in terms of fund expenditure under the NCAP with 68% of its funds unutilised (It has used only Rs 13.56 crore of the Rs 42.69 crore allocated)
- Among NCR cities, Faridabad lagged with an expenditure of 39%, Ghaziabad utilized 89%, and Noida recorded the least utilization at 11%.
- Pollution Reduction Targets: Out of the 19 cities covered under the report, only five cities have so far met annual air pollution reduction targets
- Example: Inspite of spending 92% of the funds allocated, Navi Mumbai PM 10 levels have worsened by 11%.
- Incomplete Source Apportionment Study: Eight out of 19 cities (Eg: NCR cities of Faridabad, Noida, Ghaziabad and Amritsar and Khurja) are yet to complete source apportionment studies to assess the contribution of various pollution sources.
- Delhi’s Source Apportionment Study reveals, 17.5-30.6% of PM 10 levels originate from soil, road dust and construction activities whereas 12-37% are from coal and fly ash.
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About National Clean Air Programme
- It is the first national effort to create a framework for air quality management involving an approach that is collaborative, multi-scale and cross-sectoral between the relevant central ministries, state governments and local bodies.
- Nodal Ministry : The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).
- Goal: To achieve reductions up to 40% or achievement of National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter10 (PM 10) concentrations by 2025-26 using 2017 as the base year.
- Objectives
- To augment and evolve an effective and proficient ambient air quality monitoring network across the country and ensure stringent implementation of mitigation measures for prevention, control and abatement of air pollution.
- 3-15% reduction of PM10 levels: 82 cities are to reduce 3-15% of PM10 levels to achieve overall reduction of air quality up to 40% PM10 levels.
- They are funded by the Ministry of Environment and is disbursed through state pollution control boards
- 15% reduction in annual PM10 levels: 49 cities under XVth Finance Commission air quality grant have to achieve a 15% reduction in annual average PM10 concentrations.
- They are funded by a grant under the 15th finance commission which is routed through state finance ministries and urban local bodies.
- Target Cities: The programme focuses on 131 cities overall, which includes 123 non-attainment cities (NACs) and additional million-plus cities (MPCs) in 24 States/UTs by engaging all stakeholders
- Non-Attainment Cities (NACs): These are the cities Identified for not meeting national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for five consecutive years.
- Million-Plus Cities (MPCs): Identified by the 15th Finance Commission (XV-FC) for receiving performance-based grants for air quality improvement.
- Monitoring Progress: The implementation of The National Clean Air Programme will be monitored by a portal named, PRANA – Portal for Regulation of Air-pollution in Non-Attainment cities
- The portal will track physical as well as financial status of city air action plan implementation and disseminate information on air quality management efforts under NCAP to the public.
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
- These are technical standards that determine the maximum amount of pollutants that can be present in the air without harming public health
- Notified by: The standards are notified by CPCB (under powers given to it by The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981) in 2009.
- Coverage: It covers 12 pollutants, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, PM10, PM5, Ozone, Lead, Carbon Monoxide, Ammonia, Benzene, Benzo Pyrene, Arsenic, Nickel.
- Monitoring: The CPCB monitors compliance with the NAAQS through the National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)
- Limitations:
- Poor Expenditure Management: An overwhelming amount has been spent on actions resulting in managing road dust like covering potholes and deploying mechanical sweepers and water sprinklers etc. while less than one percent was spent on controlling toxic emissions from industry
- 40% of funds out of Rs. 10,566.47 crores remain unused, a new report by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) highlights.
- Mixed Results: The Programme has mostly been a failure as at the end of five years, still most cities failed to meet the NCAP’s target of reducing air pollution concentrations by 20-30% compared to 2017 levels.
- As per a recent study, most gains observed in reducing air pollution during 2014-2021 came from gusty winds and other meteorological factors.
- Misplaced Focus: The Primary focus of NCAP is the reduction of coarser PM10 particles such as dust, whereas it should be on reducing PM2.5 particles which will then address emissions from industry transport, and other sources of combustion.
- Narrow Reach: The number of cities reporting hazardous levels of air pollution, which were not covered by the NCAP, are increasing, as per an analysis by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air
- Sectoral Mismatch: Air pollution from transport makes up more than a quarter of India’s air pollution load but only 13% of the NCAP funds are directed towards addressing these emissions. Similarly emissions from industries are also neglected.
- Conflicting Metrics of Progress: The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) maintains a list of 258 metrics covering the progress in various components of the programme, but the metrics of success differ for the two channels (82 cities and 49 cities) making benchmarking a complex endeavor.
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Way Forward
- Redefine Performance Benchmark: To make PM2.5 the benchmark for performance-linked funding instead of the current PM10.
- Simplify the Metrics: To improve metrics to prioritize combustion sources and tie funding to sectoral targets like 25% of the funds to be spent on reducing pollution from transport sectors which contributes approximately a quarter of India’s pollution.
- To establish stronger institutional mechanisms and capacity for planning and implementation in cities.
- Improve the PRANA Portal: The PRANA portal need to put more information in the public domain like providing inventories of pollution sources, or detailed information about how cities have achieved reductions in air pollution
- Implement Airshed Approach: This approach addresses pollution over a common geographic area as opposed to political or administrative boundaries whereas industrial emissions are dodged under NCAP action plans because they are located at the peripheries of cities, beyond the city and municipality boundaries.
- Example: The Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) recognises and addresses the transboundary nature of air pollution