Global Declaration of River Dolphins By the Year 2030

Global Declaration of River Dolphins By the Year 2030


  • On October 23 and 24, 2023, representatives from 14 countries that are home to the world’s populations of river dolphins came together for the Global Declaration of River Dolphins and their Rivers convening.


  • The declaration was prompted by the devastating news of over 150 dolphins found dead in the Amazon in Lake Tefé, Brazil, and a record drought caused by a historic El Niño season, emphasizing the need for international efforts to protect river dolphins.

Global Declaration of River Dolphins – Key Highlights

  • Eleven of these countries signed a global declaration for the protection of river dolphins by 2030. 
    • Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru and Venezuela.
    • These countries are committing to work on transboundary research-driven solutions and recommendations to mitigate threats facing river dolphins.

Global Declaration of River Dolphins

  • The Eight Pillars of the Global Declaration for River Dolphins are: 
    • Creating a network of protected areas; 
    • Enhancing management of river dolphin sites; 
    • Expanding research and monitoring; 
    • Engaging local communities and Indigenous Peoples; 
    • Eradicating unsustainable fishing practices; 
    • Improving water quality and quantity; 
    • Celebrating #WorldRiverDolphinDay to raise awareness; and, Increasing resource allocation and partnerships.
  • Formation of a Global Coalition: The signatory countries will also create a global coalition comprising NGOs, scientific research institutions, and foundations. 
    • This coalition will be responsible for implementing the declaration and focusing on securing the long-term future of river dolphins, their river habitats, and the communities that depend on these rivers.
About Gangetic Dolphin

  • The Gangetic dolphin can only live in freshwater and is essentially blind.
  • They hunt by emitting ultrasonic sounds, which bounce off of fish and other prey, enabling them to “see” an image in their mind also called ‘susu’.. 
  • They are reliable indicators of the health of the entire river ecosystem.
  • Gangetic dolphin has been designated as the National aquatic Animal of India.
  • Gangetic Dolphin Distribution: Seven states namely, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal.
  • Gangetic Dolphin Protection Status:
    • IUCN Status: Endangered 
    • Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I.
    • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES): Appendix I (most endangered).
    • Convention on Migratory Species (CMS): Appendix II 

Steps Taken to Protect Dolphin”

  • Project Dolphin: Launched in 2020, this project is aimed at the conservation and protection of river dolphins, similar to the successful Project Tiger.
  • Dolphin Sanctuary: The Vikramshila Ganges Dolphin Sanctuary has been established in Bihar, providing a protected habitat for these endangered dolphins.
  • National Ganga River Dolphin Day: Celebrated on 5th October, this day is dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the conservation of the Ganges River Dolphin, organized by the National Mission for Clean Ganga.

News Source:
National Geographic


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