Great Indian Bustard


January 20, 2024


The Supreme Court directed the Centre to clear its plans to save the critically-endangered Great Indian Bustard.

SC Asks Govt to Prepare Plan to Save Great Indian Bustard

  • The  Supreme Court outlined that the Centre should  plan to maintain a balance between the preservation of the bird species and India’s global commitments to reduce its carbon footprints while embracing alternatives  such as solar power.

About Great Indian Bustard

  • Great Indian Bustard is the state bird of Rajasthan.

Great Indian Bustard

Great Indian Bustard

  • Conservation Status:

    • Habitat: It is confined mostly to Rajasthan and Gujarat.
    • Threat: Due to their poor frontal vision, the birds can’t spot overhead power lines from a distance, and are too heavy to change course when close. Thus, they collide with the cables and die.
  • Steps Taken to Protect

      • Project Great Indian Bustard: It has been launched by the Rajasthan government with an aim of constructing breeding enclosures for the species.
      • GIB species recovery programme: Under this, the Wildlife Institute of India and Rajasthan forest department jointly set up breeding centers where GIB eggs harvested from the wild were incubated artificially.
    • Significance: GIBs are considered the flagship bird species of grassland and hence barometers of the health of grassland ecosystems.
Also Read: 60% Increase In Overall Tiger Population

News Source: The Hindu

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