Guidelines for Implementation of SIGHT Programme


A budget of Rs 17,490 crore has been allocated for implementing the Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition or SIGHT Programme  as part of the National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM).

About SIGHT Programme

  • Objective: To support domestic electrolyser manufacturing and green hydrogen production
    • These incentives are designed to facilitate cost reduction and rapid expansion.

Guidelines for Implementation of the SIGHT Programme

  • Method: Executed within Mode-2B (the system adopted by the MNRE for the SIGHT programme), this strategy entails aggregating demand and inviting competitive bids for green hydrogen and its derivatives to secure the most cost-effective options.
  • Implementation: It will be entrusted to agencies nominated by the Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) and guided by the Centre for High Technology (CHT).
  • Monitoring: A scheme monitoring committee, co-chaired by the secretary of MoPNG, secretary of the MNRE, mission director of the NGHM, and other experts, will periodically review the implementation status and performance of capacities awarded under the scheme. 

About Green Hydrogen

  • MNRE defines green hydrogen as having a well-to-gate emission (i.e., including water treatment, electrolysis, gas purification, drying and compression of hydrogen) of not more than 2 kg CO2 equivalent/kg H2.

National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM)

  • Aim: To make India a global hub for producing, utilising, and exporting green hydrogen and its derivatives.
  • Implementation: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
  • Sub Schemes under the National Green Hydrogen Mission: SIGHT & Green Hydrogen Hubs

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