Gupteshwar Forest Declared as a Biodiversity Heritage Site


February 15, 2024


The Odisha government added Gupteshwar forest division to the Biodiversity Heritage Site making it fourth in the biodiversity heritage site from the state.

Gupteswar Forest in Odisha Declared as Bio-Diversity Heritage Site

The state govt has asked the Odisha Biodiversity Board to prepare a long-term plan for intensive conservation and development of the forest.

  • An amount of Rs 35 lakh has been provided to prepare an action plan and awareness-building activities in the localities.

Gupteshwar Forest

  • About: 
    • Located adjacent to Gupteshwar Shiva temple in Odisha’s Koraput district.
    • Significance: Along with natural diversity, it is also worshiped by the local community due its sacred grooves.
  • Flora and Fauna:
    • Flora: Indian trumpet tree, Indian snakeroot, Garlic pear tree, Indian jointfir.
    • Fauna: Mugger crocodile, kanger valley rock gecko, common hill myna, white-bellied woodpecker, etc are found.
  • Other Biodiversity Heritage Site in Odisha: .
    • Mandasari (Kandhamala district)
    • Mahendragiri  (Gajapati district)
    • Gandhamardan (Baragarh and Bolangir district.)

What Is a Biodiversity Heritage Site?

  • Biodiversity heritage site is a unique conservation approach recognized under section 37 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
  • Biodiversity Heritage Sites are well-defined areas that are unique, ecologically fragile ecosystems. 
  • They are spread over terrestrial, coastal, inland, and marine waters having biodiversity as well as: 
    • Domesticated species
    • High endemism
    • Rare and threatened species, keystone species, species of evolutionary significance, wild ancestors of domesticated/ cultivated species.
    • Fossil beds Cultural, ethical, or aesthetic values for maintaining cultural diversity, with or without long human association with them.

Criteria For Identification of Biodiversity Heritage Site

  • Areas that contain a mosaic of natural, semi-natural, and manmade habitats, which together contain a significant diversity of life forms.
  • Areas that contain significant domesticated biodiversity components and or representative agro-ecosystem with ongoing agricultural practices that sustain this diversity.
  • Areas that are significant from a biodiversity point of view as also important cultural spaces such as sacred groves/trees and sites, or other large community conserved areas.
  • Areas including very small ones that offer refuge or corridors for threatened and endemic fauna and flora, such as community conserved areas or urban greens and wetlands.
  • Areas that provide habitats, aquatic or terrestrial, for seasonal migrant species for feeding and breeding.
  • Areas that are maintained as preservation plots by the research wing of the Forest department.
  • Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas.

Significance of Biodiversity Heritage Site

  • Ecological Security: Loss of biodiversity and bioresources show an increasing trend mainly due to human activities. 
    • Therefore, it is necessary to instill and nurture conservation ethics in the community.
  • To Combat Climate Issues: BHS plays a crucial role in conservation which is particularly important in the face of increasing threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and invasive species.
  • Cultural Heritage: BHS is associated with traditional knowledge and practices. Recognizing and protecting these sites helps to preserve cultural heritage and traditions.
  • Maintenance of Ecosystem Services: BHS provides a range of essential ecosystem services, such as clean air and water, pollination, and flood control. 

Biological Diversity Act 2002

  • Origin: It traces its origin from the 1992 Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro
  • Aim: 
    • Provide a legal framework for conservation of biological diversity 
  • National Biodiversity Authority: Established in 2003 under section 8 of the act to perform facilitative, regulatory, and advisory functions for the govt.
    • National Level: The NBA implements the BD act at the national level
    • The second and third tiers constitute the state biodiversity boards at the state level and biodiversity management committees operating at the local levels.


Also Read: Vulture Restaurant Set Up In Jharkhand

News Source: Onmanorama and Indian Express

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