India Signs Bilateral Haj Agreement 2024 with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

India Signs Bilateral Haj Agreement 2024 with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Context: 1,75,025 pilgrims from India have been finalized for Haj Pilgrimage 2024.

  • 1,40,020/1,75,025  pilgrims will  proceed through the Haj Committee of India  whereas 35,005 pilgrims will be permitted to proceed through Haj Group Operators.

What is Hajj?

  • Hajj (pilgrimage made to Kaaba)  is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to the sacred city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia,  the holiest city for Muslims.
  • The rites of pilgrimage are performed over five to six days, extending from the 8th to the 12th or 13th of Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar.
  •  It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, alongside Shahadah (oath that one believes there is no god but Allah (God)),  salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving) and sawm (fasting of Ramadan).
  • Hajj is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey.

About Haj Committee of India

  • It  is a statutory body under the Ministry of Minority Affairs  set up under the provisions of the Haj Committee Act, 2002 for making arrangements for the pilgrimage of Muslims for Haj and for matters connected therewith.

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