As per a study by the Kerala State Forest Protective Staff Organisation (KSFPSO), removing exotic plants from forest areas will help ensure food for wild elephants at Chinnakkanal in Munnar.
- KSFPSO is an association of frontline forest officers,
Exotic Plant Species in Kerala State
- Exotic Species Invasion in Forestland: Exotic plant species have been found in nearly 4,000 hectares of forestland in the district.
- The Chinnakkanal landscape is dominated by West Indian Lantana (known locally as kongini), hindering other plant species’ growth and impeding animal access.
- Absence of Prey in Exotic Plant-Filled Forests: The presence of wild animals, including tiger and leopard has been detected in the adjacent areas due to the absence of prey in forests filled with exotic plant species.
- In forested areas abundant with exotic trees, the absence of other vegetation prevents the movement of wild animals, including elephants.
- Critical Measures: Removing exotic species such as Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) and eucalyptus from forests is vital to addressing the problems.
- Transitioning these regions into natural grasslands would ensure food and water sources for wild elephants in Chinnakkanal, including the landscape.
Invasive Species in India
- About: An invasive species can be any kind of living organism (plant, insect, fish, fungus, bacteria, an amphibian, that is not native to an ecosystem.
- For Example: Water hyacinth
- Concerns: They can harm the environment, the economy or even human health by the destruction of native species and local biodiversity.
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Common Exotic Plant Species in India
- Common Lantana: It is an annual or perennial, small, broadleaf evergreen shrub native to the West Indies and Mexico to Tropical America.
- Distinctive Trait: This invasive weed stands out because of its rapid spread, intensity of infestation, allelopathy, opportunistic growth behavior, reproductive biology traits and strong resistance to cutting and burning.
- Invasive Impact: In the Indian subcontinent, it has invaded vast tracts of dry-moist forests and other culturable wastelands, and has potentially altered biodiversity, landscape ecology and ecosystem services.
Allelopathy: It has been defined as “a common biological phenomenon by which one organism produces biochemicals that influence the growth, survival, development, and reproduction of other organisms” |
- Its invasion has resulted in the scarcity of native forage plants for wild herbivores and it has invaded more than 40% of India’s tiger range.
- Eucalyptus: It is a fast-growing evergreen tree native to Australia. The eucalyptus tree oil is used as an antiseptic, a perfume, as Forest Fires In India: Statistics, Causes, Impact, Initiativesan ingredient in cosmetics, as a flavoring, in dental preparations, and in industrial solvents.
- Distinctive Trait: It is adapted to grow in a wide range of climatic regimes or soil types and grows rapidly and establishes itself easily; etc. With these attributes, it can outcompete/displace native species for space, access to nutrients and water, etc.
- Acacia Mearnsii: It is a fast growing leguminous tree native to Australia. It is used as a commercial source of tannin or a source of fire wood for local communities.
- Distinctive Trait: It threatens native habitats by competing with indigenous vegetation, replacing grass communities, reducing native biodiversity and increasing water loss from riparian zones.
- The invasiveness of this species is partly due to its ability to produce large amounts of long-lived seeds and the development of a large crown (which shades other vegetation).
- Its leaves and branches may have allelopathic properties.
Also Read: Forest Fires In India: Statistics, Causes, Impact, Initiatives
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