Recently, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issued notices to the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and the States of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat over a practice known as ‘Nata Pratha’.
- The ‘Nata Pratha’ is comparable to modern forms of prostitution. Given the immoral consequences of ‘Nata Pratha’ on women and minor girls, the NHRC has called for its eradication and abolition.
Suggestions by NHRC
- Regulation under Human Trafficking: The NHRC suggested that individuals involved in forcing women into ‘Nata Pratha’ must be prosecuted under laws relating to human trafficking.
- Prosecution under POCSO Act: The sale of minor girls should be prosecuted under the POCSO Act.
- POCSO Act has been framed to protect children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and pornography and provide for the establishment of special courts for trial.
- Registration of Cases: It also suggested setting up a group at the village level to register its cases.
- Awareness & Improvement: Need to build awareness and provide education and employment to improve the economic and social status of girls and women.
What is Nata Pratha?
The word “Nata” means relationship. It involves selling “on a stamp paper” or marrying off underage girls from some communities. These “sales and marriages” are usually conducted by their own families.
Traditionally, both the man and the woman who enter into a relationship are supposed to be married or have been widowed, but the custom has evolved to include single people as well.
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- Prevalent: This custom is prevalent in parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. It is mainly practised by the Bhil tribe, one of the largest tribes in South Asia.
- Provision: It allows a man to have a live-in relationship with a married woman. However, it is allowed only if both the man and the woman are already married to other people.
- No Need for Formal Ceremony: Under this system, no formal marriage ceremony is required to live together. Couple can perform all obligations of husband and wife without entering into marriage.
- Pay Money: Under the guidelines of the custom, the man has to pay some money to the married woman so that he can move in with her.
- This money, the “bride price,” is fixed by members of the community, or middlemen, who may receive a cut for doing so.
- The sum may range from a few thousand bucks to even a few lakhs depending upon the paying capacity of the person concerned.
About Bhils
The Bhil are one of the largest tribal groups, living in Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. The name is derived from the word ‘billu’, which means bow. They are known as excellent archers.
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