Electric Polarization via Magnetic Ordering in the “MnBi2S4” Mineral


February 17, 2024


A unique mechanism of electric polarization via magnetic ordering was identified in a novel mineral called “MnBi2S4.

MnBi2S4: Electric Polarization Via Magnetic Ordering 

  • The study: It is a groundbreaking discovery in the field of magnetoelectric materials 
    • It focuses on a novel material named “MnBi2S4”, which exhibits a unique mechanism of inducing electric polarization via magnetic ordering.
  • Publication: The findings of the study are published in the journal PHYSICAL REVIEW B.
  • Funding: Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India 
  • Facilities: Sheikh Saqr Laboratory and International Centre for Materials Science at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research provided experimental facilities.

Magnetoelectric Multiferroics

  • These are a particular class of materials having rare and unique properties exhibiting  both magnetism and ferroelectricity simultaneously. 
  • Application: The property makes this material especially valuable for advanced technology applications like spintronics, electronic memory devices, and other components like actuators and switches.
  • Spin-driven multiferroics: A particular type of multiferroic material that exhibits ferroelectricity only when specific magnetic structures are present. 


Electric Polarization

  • It refers to the slight relative shift of positive and negative electric charge in opposite directions within an insulator, or dielectric, induced by an external electric field.
  • Polarization occurs when an electric field distorts the negative cloud of electrons around positive atomic nuclei in a direction opposite the field.

MnBi2S4 or Centro-symmetric

  • It is also known as mineral graţianite and belongs to the ternary manganese chalcogenide family.
  • The study: 

    • Tool:  High-resolution neutron diffraction was used to conduct the study, which is  crucial in characterizing the different magnetic structures responsible for electric polarization at these temperatures.
    • Findings:
      • Distinct magnetic structures were identified in the material, which includes a spin density wave (at 27 kelvin) as well as cycloidal (at 23 kelvin) and helical spin structures (at 21.5 Kelvin)
      • Most crucial discovery was the last two spin structures induced ferroelectricity in the material.
      • MnBi2S4 undergoes magnetic ordering at low temperatures (27, 23, and 21.5 Kelvins).
  • Significance:

    • Breakthrough in magnetoelectric coupling: Identification of solid coupling between magnetism and electric polarization driven by magnetic frustration.
      • For the first time, it was discovered in the specific MnBi2S4 material.
    • This discovery has sparked a lot of interest in finding new materials with different types of magnetism for various applications.
    • Application:  
      • Energy-efficient data storage: It could pave the way for energy-efficient spin manipulation using small electric fields
      • It could revolutionize data storage by reducing energy consumption during writing processes.
      • Logic system: It could lead to the development of a four-state logic memory system, providing additional degrees of freedom for device performance compared to the current binary logic systems.
    • Future research: The goal is to find materials that exhibit these properties at room temperature and to understand the mechanisms that break inversion symmetry and induce polarization.
Also Read: India Joins Battery Energy Storage Systems Consortium

News source: PIB

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