Question Hour in Lok Sabha


October 21, 2023


  • Recently a  Member of Parliament (MPs) is alleged to have accepted bribes from businessmen in exchange for asking parliamentary questions targeting the Prime Minister.

What is the Question Hour?

  • The first hour of every parlimentary sitting is slotted for Question Hour. During this time, the member ask questions and the ministers usually give answers.
  • MPs raise questions during Question Hour to hold the government accountable for its policies and actions.

Question Hour: Procedure

  • Governing Rules: The procedure for raising questions is governed by Rules 32 to 54 of the “Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha” and Directions 10 to 18 of the “Directions by the Speaker, Lok Sabha‟.
  • Notice: An MP has to first give a notice addressed to the lower house’s Secretary-General, intimating their intention to ask a question. 

Types of Questions: There are four different types of questions

  • A Starred question is asked by an MP and answered orally by the Minister-in-charge. 
  • Each MP is allowed to ask one starred question per day. Starred questions have to be submitted at least 15 days in advance (so that the Minister-in-charge has the time to prepare the answers).
  • When a question is answered orally, supplementary questions can be asked thereon.
  • An unstarred question receives a written reply from the Ministry. These also need to be submitted at least 15 days in advance. 
  • Supplementary questions are not permitted.
Short-notice questions
  • Short notice questions are ones pertaining to a matter of urgent public importance. 
  • They can be asked with less than 10 days’ notice, with reasons for the short notice. 
  • They are answered orally, followed by supplementary questions.
Questions addressed to private Members
  • It is asked when the subject matter pertains to any Bill, Resolution or any matter relating to the Business of the House for which that MP is responsible.
  • Procedure: Same as starred question (written above).

Indian Express

Prelims Question (2017)

The Parliament of India exercises control over the functions of the Council of Ministers through

1. Adjournment motion

2. Question hour

3. Supplementary questions

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only 

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)


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