Recently, the ISRO released preliminary data from instruments called RAMBHA and ILSA, both installed on the lander module and another called APXS which is on the rover.
Key Findings:
- Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive ionosphere and Atmosphere – Langmuir Probe (RAMBHA-LP): It is a device used for characterizing a plasma.
Finding: The initial assessment indicates that the plasma encompassing the lunar surface is relatively sparse (5-30 million electrons per cubic metre).
- It could help in mitigating the noise lunar plasma introduces into radio wave communication and contribute to “enhanced designs” for upcoming lunar visitors.
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectroscope, or APXS: It is installed on the rover, and detects signals of the presence of Sulphur and other minor elements.
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): It collected data on the elemental composition of lunar surface, and found “unambiguous” confirmation of presence of Sulphur.
- Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA): To measure ground vibrations generated by natural quakes, impacts, and artificial events.
- It recorded a “seemingly natural” event on the lunar surface, on August 26.
- Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE): To measure the temperature profile of the lunar topsoil around the pole to understand the thermal behavior of the Moon’s surface.
News Source: Indian Express
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