Transforming Livestock Economies

Transforming Livestock Economies

Recently, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying organized the Entrepreneurship Development Conclave in Pune to empower entrepreneurs and catalyze growth in the livestock sector.

Key Highlights of the Conclave

  • Objective: Uniting policymakers, federations, cooperatives, and entrepreneurs to address challenges, share solutions, and promote sustainable practices in the livestock sector.
  • It provides a platform to the stakeholders to discuss challenges, share solutions, promote entrepreneurship,  provide value addition and sustainable practices to catalyze growth  for the sector.
  • Inaugurations:
    • Launch of National Livestock Mission Entrepreneurship Development Programme (NLM-EDP) Dashboard for project transparency.
      • Dashboard will provide an organised summary of key information of the entire project to the public.
    • Inauguration of 40 projects worth ₹545.04 crore assisted under AHIDF and NLM-EDP National Livestock Mission – Entrepreneurship Development Programme (NLM – EDP) 
    • Release of National Livestock Mission Operational Guidelines 2.0 and success story booklets.
  • Panel Discussions: Themes include “Catalyzing Growth in the Livestock Sector” and “Role of Banks and MSMEs in Livestock Sector & Credit Facilitation”, featuring industry leaders and financial institutions.

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Key Components of NLM 2.0

  • Entrepreneurship Development:
    • Financial support for startups and farmers.
    • Training programs to enhance skills in animal husbandry and related fields.
  • Breed Improvement:
    • Focus on the genetic enhancement of livestock breeds.
    • Strengthening of livestock breeding infrastructure across the country.
  • Fodder and Feed Development:
    • Promotion of nutritious fodder crop cultivation.
    • Assistance for establishing silage and feed manufacturing units.
  • Sustainability Initiatives:
    • Adoption of integrated farming practices.
    • Environmental sustainability through effective waste management solutions.
  • Capacity Building:
    • Organization of workshops, seminars, and training sessions.
    • Awareness campaigns on advanced animal husbandry practices to improve productivity.

About Livestock

  • The livestock sector involves the breeding and raising of animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry for meat, dairy, wool, and other products.
  • Indigenous livestock species: ICAR-NBAGR registered ten new breeds of indigenous livestock species in the country.
    • These breeds are:
      • Kathani cattle (Maharashtra), Sanchori cattle (Rajasthan) and Masilum cattle (Meghalaya); Purnathadi buffalo (Maharashtra); Sojat goat (Rajasthan), Karauli goat (Rajasthan) and Gujari goat (Rajasthan);  Banda pig (Jharkhand), Manipuri Black pig (Manipur) and Wak Chambil pig (Meghalaya).

Brief Overview: Livestock Sector of India

  • The Livestock Sector is an important subsector of agriculture in the Indian economy. 
  • It grew at a CAGR of 7.93 per cent during 2014-15 to 2020-21 (at constant prices). 
  • The contribution of livestock in total agriculture and allied sector GVA (at constant prices) has increased from 24.32 per cent (2014-15) to 30.13 per cent (2020-21).
  • The livestock sector contributed 4.90 per cent of total GVA in 2020-21.
  • Livestock Population: 
    • There are about 303.76 million bovines (cattle, buffalo, mithun and yak), 74.26 million sheep, 148.88 million goats, 9.06 million pigs and about 851.81 million poultry as per 20th Livestock Census in the country.

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Role of livestock in farmers’ economy

  • Income: Livestock is a source of subsidiary income for many families in India especially the resource poor who maintain few heads of animals. Animals like sheep and goats serve as sources of income during emergencies to meet exigencies like marriages, treatment of sick persons, children education, repair of houses etc.
  • Employment: A large number of people in India being less literate and unskilled depend upon agriculture for their livelihoods. But agriculture being seasonal in nature could provide employment for a maximum of 180 days in a year. The landless and less land people depend upon livestock for utilizing their labour during lean agricultural season.
  • Food: The livestock products such as milk, meat and eggs are an important source of animal protein to the members of the livestock owners. The per capita availability of milk is around 459 g / day; eggs is 101 / annum during 2022-23.
  • Draft: Bullocks are the backbone of Indian agriculture. Despite a lot of advancements in the use of mechanical power in Indian agricultural operations, the Indian farmer especially in rural areas still depend upon bullocks for various agricultural operations. 
  • Social security: The animals offer social security to the owners in terms of their status in the society. The families, especially the landless which own animals are better placed than those who do not. Gifting of animals during marriages is a very common phenomenon in different parts of the country.

Government Initiatives in Livestock Sector

  • Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF):
    • It aims to support private sector investment in building infrastructure for processing, cold chain, and value addition in the animal husbandry sector.
  • National Livestock Mission (NLM):
    • The focus of the scheme is towards employment generation, entrepreneurship development; increase in per animal productivity and thus targeting increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool.
  • Rashtriya Gokul Mission: 
    • It has been initiated by the Government with focus on development and conservation of indigenous breeds and genetic upgradation of bovine population.
  • Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme(LHDCP):
    • It is implemented to address livestock diseases and enhance veterinary healthcare infrastructure. 
  • Bharat Pashudhan Livestock Data Stack:
    • A digital platform for real-time livestock data collection and management to enhance productivity and traceability in the livestock sector.
  • Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) For Dairy Farmers of Milk Cooperatives and Milk Producer Companies: 
    • As on 15.11.2024, more than 41.66 lakh fresh KCCs were sanctioned for AHD Farmers.
  • National Mission on Bovine Productivity: 
    • A scheme to improve the productivity of indigenous cattle and buffaloes through genetic improvement, nutrition, and health initiatives.
  • National Artificial Insemination Programme: 
    • A nationwide initiative to boost artificial insemination coverage for bovines, ensuring genetic enhancement and better milk yield.

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Challenges in the Livestock Sector

  • Low Productivity
    • Indian livestock productivity is lower compared to global standards due to inadequate feed, nutrition, and breed improvement.
    • Example: The average annual milk yield of Indian cattle is 1172 kg which is only about 50 per cent of the global average.
  • Inadequate Processing Infrastructure
    • Lack of modern abattoirs, cold chains, and value-addition facilities impacts profitability.
  • Disease Control
    • Outbreaks of diseases like foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and brucellosis continue to reduce livestock yields.
  • Market Access Issues
    • Small-scale farmers face challenges in accessing markets and getting fair prices for their produce.
  • Non-compliance in Phyto-sanitary conditions: 
    • Due to non-compliance of phyto-sanitary conditions and quality standards, the exports of livestock products do not realise its true potential.
  • Access to Credit
    • Only 30% of livestock farmers have access to institutional credit, limiting investments in infrastructure and technology.
    • As per M.K. Jain Committee Report, livestock farmers face greater challenges in comparison to traditional agricultural farmers especially while accessing credit and livestock insurance.
  • Shortage of Fodder: 
    • India with only 2.29 percent of land area of the world is maintaining nearly 10.70 percent of livestock with only 5 percent of its cultivable land under fodder production.
  • Institutional Support: 
    • There is no MSP support for animal husbandry products and they lack marketing like crop-based commodities.
    • Example: Inadequate Funding at about 12% of the total public expenditure on agriculture and allied sectors, which is disproportionately lesser than its contribution to agricultural GDP. 
  • Insurance: 
    • Currently, only 6% of the animal heads (excluding poultry) are provided insurance cover.
  • Inadequate processing and value addition:  
    • The processing rate of buffalo meat is around 21 percent and 6 percent for the poultry due to lack of necessary infrastructure.

Global Best Practices

  • Brazil’s Agrocredit Model
    • Brazil provides subsidized credit to livestock farmers under its Pronaf Program, focusing on productivity enhancement and export growth.
  • New Zealand’s Dairy Cooperatives
    • A robust network of dairy cooperatives with financial backing has driven global competitiveness in the livestock sector.
  • USA’s Livestock Insurance
    • Insurance schemes like the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) help mitigate income losses for farmers due to market fluctuations.
  • EU’s Green Farming Initiatives
    • The European Union promotes sustainable livestock farming practices by incentivizing eco-friendly techniques and renewable energy use.
  • Australia’s Digital Livestock Tools
    • Advanced technologies like RFID tagging and livestock monitoring systems enhance productivity and market readiness.

Way Forward

  • Credit Expansion: Strengthen initiatives like Kisan Credit Card for Animal Husbandry and expand subsidized loans under the Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF).
  • Entrepreneurship Support: Develop incubation centers in collaboration with institutions like NABARD to train rural youth in innovative livestock practices.
  • Disease-Free Zones: Establish disease-free zones through effective vaccination drives under the Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme (LHDC).
  • Processing and Export: Incentivize private investments in processing plants and support livestock product exports under APEDA schemes.
  • Technology Integration: Encourage the use of digital platforms like the e-Gopala app for animal health, nutrition, and breeding services.

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The Entrepreneurship Development Conclave is a step forward in realizing the full potential of India’s livestock sector. By addressing structural challenges, promoting entrepreneurship, and learning from global best practices, India can transform its livestock economy. It would become sustainable, inclusive, and a globally competitive sector. 

Additional Reading: OnlyIAS

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