Joint Call for TRIPS Agreement Review: Implications and Challenges


Recently, India together with Bangladesh, Colombia & Egypt have given a joint call at the WTO for review of the TRIPS Agreement.

Doha Declaration on TRIPS agreement & Public Health of 2001 

The TRIPS Agreement of 2022 

  • Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines : It has clarified the scope available to WTO members to limit the exclusive effect of patent rights & to access COVID-19 vaccines.

Reviewing TRIPS Agreement: Development and Public Health Priorities

Notion of Joint Call for the Review under Article 71 of TRIPS Agreement : After the failure of consensus on to extend the temporary waiver of certain intellectual property rights (TRIPS) for Covid-19 therapeutics and diagnostics production at the recently held 13th Ministerial Conference of WTO( in Abu Dhabi).

  • Joint Call for the review is Focused On :  To examine for the facilitation of Technology transfer, Development dimension, and other concerns of developing & Least developing countries.
  • Demand for the Conformity of TRIPS Agreement with CBD : Fast track examination of the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
  • Demands to Examine the Doha Declaration on TRIPS agreement & Public Health of 2001 & TRIPS Agreement of 2022 
  • Recommendation for upcoming 14th WTO Ministerial Conference : Urged The TRIPS council that all these recommendations could be made at the upcoming 14th WTO Ministerial Conference ( tentatively scheduled in Cameroon).
  • Established in 1995 
  • Agreement : under WTO 
  • Objective-Establish global standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights

Challenges with TRIPS Waiver, Conflicts with CBD, and Biopiracy Concerns

Intricate IP Rights & Manufacturing Process: 

  • Vaccine development and manufacturing involve complex intellectual property mechanisms, with various protections across different stages. 
  • This includes trade secrets and copyrights that safeguard crucial knowledge and Data, Design, Material sourcing, building facilities, and obtaining regulatory approvals etc

Therefore, implementing a patent waiver alone doesn’t immediately enable manufacturers to initiate vaccine production.

Conflicts Over CBD & TRIPS Agreement:

  • CBD vs TRIPS Agreement: 

    • CBD recognises countries’ sovereign rights over their biological resources, While TRIPS Agreement allows members to provide patents over biological resources (plants, animals and microorganisms)
  • TRIPS Limitations wrt to CBD: 

    • Benefit Sharing Discrepancy: 

Biopiracy: Exploitation of Biological Resources

  • it is unauthorized appropriation and commercial exploitation of biological resources and/or traditional knowledge, frequently from indigenous communities, without fair compensation.
      • TRIPS mandates patents for all technological fields, including the exploitation of biological resources. However, it lacks mechanisms for benefit sharing between patent holders and material donors. 
      • In contrast, CBD provides a legal basis for developing countries to demand a share of benefits. Biopiracy Concerns
      • TRIPS lacks provisions for prior informed consent for accessing biological resources, leading to potential biopiracy. 
      • CBD addresses this by granting states legal authority to require prior informed consent, aiming to mitigate biopiracy risks. 
    • Public Interest vs. Private Rights: TRIPS prioritizes the private interests of IP rights holders over public health and nutrition, contrary to CBD’s emphasis on the public interest and common good. This contrast reflects a direct contradiction between the two frameworks.

Way Forward: Prioritizing CBD, Reviewing TRIPS, and Recognizing Indigenous Rights

  • Acknowledge Primacy of CBD: Recognize that CBD has primacy over the WTO, specifically in biodiversity and traditional knowledge systems. 
  • Review of TRIPS Agreement: Ensure that the review of the TRIPS Agreement allows sovereign states to exclude all life forms and related knowledge from IPR systems. 
  • Recognition & Prioritization of Collective & Indigenous Rights: Urgently recognize a collective rights of indigenous people and local communities over their biodiversity and related knowledge.
Additional Information: TRIPS – Full Form, Functions, Waiver, TRIPS and TRIMS

News Source : TheHinduBusinessline 

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