Recently, Uttarakhand Chief Minister officially rolled out the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) for all residents of the State, except the Scheduled Tribes and natives who have migrated out of the State.
- Uttarakhand has become the first Indian State to implement the UCC post Independence.
Key Features of Uttarakhand’s UCC
- Marriage and Divorce Regulations:
- Bans practices such as halala, iddat, and talaq from Muslim Personal Law.
- Ensures equal property and inheritance rights for women.
- Mandates online registration of marriages, divorces, and live-in relationships .
- Marriages can be performed according to religious customs, but registration within 60 days is mandatory
- Both men and women have equal grounds for divorce, ensuring gender neutrality in the divorce process.
- Rights in Live-in Relationships:
- Landlords cannot deny housing to registered live-in couples.
- Live-in relationships (before or after UCC) must be registered within one month of implementation.
- Termination of live-in relationships can be done online or offline with mutual confirmation.
- Pregnancies during live-in relationships must be reported within 30 days of childbirth.
- Will Registration: Options for uploading handwritten/typed wills, filling out an online form, or recording a three-minute video.
- Armed forces personnel and mariners can create a ‘privileged will’ under flexible rules.
- Simplifies the creation, cancellation, and modification of wills and codicils for testamentary succession
- Administrative Framework:
- Sub-registrars verify applications within 15 days (or three days in emergencies).
- Rejection appeals can be made to registrars within 30 days; further appeals to the registrar-general within another 30 days.
- Enforcement and Penalties: Violators receive warnings initially; repeated offenses result in fines.
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- The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a proposed legal framework that aims to replace personal laws based on religious customs with a unified set of civil laws applicable to all citizens, regardless of religion or ethnicity.
- It seeks to address matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption under a common framework, promoting equality, secularism, and gender justice.
- Key Features of UCC
- Uniform Application: Replaces religion-specific personal laws for Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and others.
- Applies equally to all citizens in personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption.
- Secular and Inclusive: Envisions a secular legal system, ensuring equal treatment irrespective of religious or cultural backgrounds.
- Promotes equality before the law and eliminates discriminatory practices rooted in personal laws.
- Focus on Gender Justice: Addresses gender-based discrimination in personal laws, empowering women with equal rights in marriage, divorce, property, and inheritance.
Status of UCC in the World
- France: Has a Napoleonic Civil Code (1804) that applies uniform laws to all citizens, ensuring secularism in personal matters.
- Germany: German Civil Code (BGB, 1900) governs all citizens uniformly of the German Empire. The code is still in effect today, though it has been modified.
- Turkey: Adopted a secular civil code (1926) based on the Swiss model, replacing Islamic personal laws.
- USA & UK: No UCC, as family laws vary by state (USA) and religious groups (UK) retain autonomy in personal matters.
- China: Civil Code (2021) applies uniformly to all citizens, covering marriage, inheritance, and property rights.
- Saudi Arabia: Follows Sharia-based laws, with strict religious influence on family and inheritance laws.
- UAE: Implemented secular family laws (2022) for non-Muslims, allowing civil marriages and inheritance rights.
Historical Background
- Pre-Independence Era: Discussed during British rule and later in the Constituent Assembly debates.
- In 1835, a British report recommended legal uniformity but excluded personal laws of Hindus and Muslims.
- Portuguese Civil Code of 1867: Goa has a UCC under the Goa Civil Code (Portuguese Civil Code of 1867), which applies uniformly to all Goans, regardless of religion or ethnicity.
- B N Rau Committee (1941): Formed to codify Hindu laws, recommending equal rights for women.
- Post-Independence Developments: Article 44 of the Constitution included the UCC as a Directive Principle of State Policy.
- Article 44: “The State shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.”
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Personal Laws in India
- Concurrent Jurisdiction: Personal law subjects like marriage, divorce, inheritance come under Concurrent list in Seventh Schedule.
- Hindu Personal Laws and Uniform Civil Code: These laws (that apply also to the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists) have been codified by the Parliament in 1956. This Code Bill has been split into four parts:
- The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955: Established monogamy and made Hindu marriages dissoluble contracts.
- The Hindu Succession Act, 1956: Improved inheritance rights for daughters and widows.
- The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956: Made the mother the natural guardian of the child after the father
- The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956: Allowed girls to be adopted and granted maintenance rights to wives and widows
- The Sharia Law of 1937: Governs the personal matters of all Indian Muslims in India.
- It explicitly states that the government won’t interfere in personal disputes. Instead, a religious authority will make a decision based on their understanding of the Quran and Hadith.
- Christians, Parsis, and Jews: These three communities governed under the Indian Succession Act of 1925.
- Shah Bano Begum v. Union of India (1985): This case ruled in favor of a Muslim woman’s right to maintenance from her husband after divorce.
- The court also emphasized the need for a UCC to ensure gender equality.
- However, the government overturned the ruling through the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, reinforcing religious personal laws over gender justice.
- Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India (1995): This case ruled that a Hindu husband cannot marry another woman while his first marriage is still valid, even if he converts to Islam.
- The court also stated that a UCC would prevent bigamous marriages.
- Shayara Bano v. Union of India (2017): This case ruled that the practice of triple talaq was unconstitutional and violated the dignity of Muslim women.
- The court also recommended that Parliament enact a law to regulate Muslim marriages and divorces.
- Jose Paulo Coutinho v. Maria Luiza Valentina Pereira (2019): This case praised Goa’s implementation of a uniform civil code and urged for its nationwide adoption.
- Gender Justice and Equality: UCC will eliminate gender discrimination in personal laws, ensuring equal rights for women in marriage, divorce, inheritance, and maintenance.
- The Global Gender Gap Report 2024 ranks India 129th out of 146 countries, with significant gaps in economic and legal rights for women.
- Secularism and Constitutional Mandate: UCC aligns with India’s secular principles by ensuring that all citizens are treated equally under the same civil law, rather than being governed by religion-based personal laws.
- Article 44 (DPSP): The Constitution explicitly states that the State should “endeavor to secure a Uniform Civil Code for the citizens.”
- National Integration and Unity: A UCC will remove legal fragmentation based on religion and promote a unified national identity, reducing communal tensions.
- Census 2011: India has over 200 million Muslims, 26 million Christians, and various other minorities, each governed by different personal laws, creating legal complexities and inequalities.
- Simplification of Legal System and Reduction in Litigation: UCC will replace multiple religious personal laws with a single framework, reducing legal confusion, contradictions, and judicial backlog.
- Hindu Succession Act, 1956 was amended in 2005 to grant daughters equal property rights, whereas Muslim inheritance laws still favor male heirs.
- Protection of Women’s Rights in Marriage and Inheritance: Women, especially in Muslim and tribal communities, suffer due to unequal inheritance rights, polygamy, and lack of legal protection.
- UNDP Gender Inequality Index (2022): India ranks 108th due to discriminatory inheritance and marriage laws.
- National Sample Survey (2019): Women own only 13% of agricultural land despite contributing 50% of farming labor.
- Curbing Religious Exploitation and Misuse of Laws: UCC will prevent misuse of religion-based laws for personal or political gains, ensuring legal consistency.
- While triple talaq was abolished, Muslim men can still easily divorce their wives compared to other communities.
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- Violation of Religious Freedom and Constitutional Rights: UCC may infringe upon Article 25 and Article 26 of the Constitution, which guarantee religious freedom and allow communities to manage their own affairs.
- 21st Law Commission (2018): Concluded that UCC was “neither necessary nor desirable” at the time, as it could undermine India’s religious diversity.
- Threat to India’s Cultural and Religious Diversity: India is home to Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and over 700 tribal communities, each with distinct personal laws and one-size-fits-all UCC may erase cultural identities.
- Tribal Laws (Article 371 & 5th & 6th Schedule): Special protections exist for tribals, such as Khasi, Naga, and Mizo communities, whose customs may not align with a UCC.
- Fear of Majoritarianism and Political Misuse: Many minorities fear that UCC is not truly secular, but rather an attempt to impose Hindu-centric laws on all communities, potentially eroding pluralism.
- Uttarakhand UCC (2024): Critics argue that the UCC passed in Uttarakhand disproportionately targets Muslim practices (banning polygamy, triple talaq) while not addressing Hindu biases, such as inheritance and temple entry for women.
- Practical Challenges in Implementation: Given India’s vast diversity, enforcing a uniform law would require rewriting multiple personal laws, leading to legal and administrative chaos.
- Special Marriage Act (1954): Already allows for secular marriages, but is rarely used due to social stigma, showing that even an existing alternative is not widely accepted.
- Resistance from Minority and Tribal Communities: Many minority groups feel that UCC would erase their unique identity, disrupt traditional practices, and marginalize their communities.
- Naga and Mizo Customary Laws govern marriage and inheritance differently, often favoring tribal elders’ decisions over codified laws.
- Potential for Social Unrest and Resistance: A sudden or forced implementation of UCC could trigger large-scale protests, communal tensions, and legal challenges.
- CAA-NRC Protests (2019-2020) showed how laws perceived as targeting minorities led to massive unrest. A hastily imposed UCC could result in similar nationwide opposition.
- Gradual and Phased Implementation: A sudden, all-encompassing UCC could face massive resistance. A step-by-step approach can help communities adapt over time.
- Law Commission (2018): Suggested that incremental reforms in personal laws may be more effective than imposing a UCC overnight.
- Extensive Public Consultation and Consensus Building: UCC must reflect all communities’ concerns, not just the majority. Consultation ensures inclusivity and reduces resistance.
- 22nd Law Commission (2023-24): Reopened UCC discussions and invited public feedback from different religious and social groups.
- Harmonization of Existing Personal Laws Instead of Overriding Them: Instead of imposing a single UCC, reforming and harmonizing personal laws to remove discriminatory practices can be more effective.
- Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 2019 ended triple talaq while retaining other aspects of Muslim personal law.
- Ensuring Constitutional Safeguards for Minorities and Tribals: Many minority and tribal communities fear UCC will dilute their identity. Legal safeguards can protect their cultural rights while ensuring equality.
- Uttarakhand UCC (2024): Exempted Scheduled Tribes (STs), respecting their constitutional protections.
- Strengthening Legal Awareness and Gender Justice Campaigns: Mass awareness campaigns on women’s inheritance rights, divorce laws, and marriage rights.
- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme helped raise awareness on gender equality—similar programs can promote legal literacy on UCC.
- Learning from Global Models and Best Practices: Countries like Turkey, France, and Germany have implemented secular civil codes, but with careful adaptation to local traditions.
- Adopt a hybrid approach, allowing communities to transition at their own pace.
- Goa UCC Success: Goa has had a uniform civil code for decades, proving that gradual adaptation works better than forced implementation.
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The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a complex but crucial step toward ensuring gender justice, national unity, and legal uniformity in India. However, its implementation must be gradual, consultative, and inclusive, respecting India’s cultural and religious diversity. A balanced approach—harmonizing existing personal laws, securing constitutional safeguards for minorities, and promoting legal awareness—will be key to achieving social cohesion and legal equality without triggering unnecessary conflicts.
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