World’s Cleanest Pigs: Source for Human Organ Transplants


July 23, 2024

Recently, Genetically Modified pigs are being raised under stringent biosecurity measures to provide a viable supply of organs for human transplantation, addressing the critical shortage of donor organs.

  • This ensures that the pigs remain pathogen-free, safeguarding the health of human transplant recipients.


Cleanest Pigs

  • About: It is the transplantation of cells, tissues or organs from one species to another, particularly from animals to humans.
  • Reason for Xenotransplantation: 
    • Organ Shortage: There is a significant shortage of human organs for transplantation, with thousands of patients dying each year while waiting for a suitable donor.
    • Ready-Made Supply: Animals, particularly genetically modified pigs, offer the promise of a readily available and scalable source of transplantable organs.
    • Disease-Free Organs: It can be possible to modify pigs to make their organs more compatible with the human immune system, reducing the risk of rejection.
    • Research and Development: Successful xenotransplantation could drive further scientific and medical advancements, offering new solutions for various medical conditions and diseases.
  • Associated Risks: There is greater risk of High Organ rejection rate and Risk of infection from an animal organ etc.

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Process involved in Xenotransplantation

  • CRISPR-Cas9 (Gene Editing Technology) is utilised to eliminate specific pig genes that produce antigens triggering human immune responses and adding human genes to make pig organs more compatible.
  • Cloning and Embryo Creation: Pig genes are modified in a lab to reduce immune rejection and blood clot risks. 
    • Scientists use a technique similar to cloning Dolly the sheep and the embryos with genetic modifications are implanted into sows on a research farm.
  • Breeding and Raising Pigs: Pigs are bred and raised in pathogen-free facilities to ensure their organs are free from infections. 
    • These facilities maintain strict biosecurity measures, such as filtered air, disinfected feed, and sterilised environments.
  • Selection and Harvesting of Organs: Pigs are raised to a specific size to match the organ requirements of human recipients. 
    • Once the pigs reach the appropriate size, organs are harvested under sterile conditions.
  • Transplantation Surgery: The selected pig organ is transplanted into a human recipient following standard organ transplant procedures. 
    • The recipient is monitored closely for signs of rejection and infection.

Challenges and Implications

  • Risk of Disease Transmission: One primary concern is the risk of transmitting animal diseases to humans, potentially causing new and unmanageable pandemics.
  • Animal Welfare: Raising animals for the sole purpose of organ harvesting raises concerns about the ethical treatment of animals. 
  • Genetic Modification might lead to Unpredictable Outcomes: To make organs more compatible, animals, primarily pigs, have been genetically modified. This can lead to unforeseen consequences that can affect both the animal and the human recipient.
  • Human Identity and Dignity: There are philosophical concerns about whether receiving an animal organ might affect a person’s sense of humanity or dignity.
  • Religious and Cultural Concerns: Some religions or cultures might object to humans receiving animal organs or using animals in this way.

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Reasons for Pigs being Often Used in the process of Xenotransplantation

  • Similar Organ Size and Physiology: Pigs have organ sizes, physiological metabolism, and immune systems that closely resemble those of humans.
  • Versatility of Organs: Various pig organs, including the heart, liver, and lungs, can be used for xenotransplantation.
  • Cost-Effective Breeding: Breeding pigs on farms is widespread and cost-effective, making them a practical choice for organ harvesting.
  • Diverse Breeds: The availability of different pig breeds allows for the possibility of matching harvested organs with the specific needs of human recipients.


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