World’s Fish Stocks In Crisis


August 30, 2024

Recently, A new study published in journal Science highlighted that significantly more fish stocks are overfished or have already collapsed compared to previous estimates.

Key Highlights From the Report

  • FAO & SOFIA Report: Biologically sustainable stocks consist of the maximally sustainably fished and underfished stocks, accounting for, respectively, 57.3 percent and 7.2 percent of the total number of assessed stocks in 2019.

Fish Biomass

  • It is the total weight of fish in a specific area or population
  • It’s an important metric for aquaculture because it helps with: 
    • Feeding: Optimizing daily feeding patterns 
    • Stocking: Controlling stocking densities 
    • Harvesting: Determining the best time to harvest 
    • Health: Measuring fish health
  • The study reveals a shocking truth: Nearly a third of fish stocks classified by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as “maximally sustainably fished” are actually overfished
  • Underestimation of collapsed stocks: The research suggests that within the overfished category, 85 per cent more stocks have likely collapsed (below 10 per cent original biomass) than previously estimated.
  • The study focused on biomass: When catches fall below 10 per cent of the original biomass, the stock is considered collapsed.

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Maximally Sustainably Fished (MSY)

  • FAO defines MSF  when its biomass is above 80 percent but below 120 percent of the target level
  • That is 0.8B/BMSY – 1.2 B/BMSY (BMSY – biomass corresponding to maximum sustainable yield).


  • Stocks with abundance above the level corresponding to MSY. 
  • FAO defines a fish population as underfished when its biomass is above 120 percent of the target level (B/BMSY > 1.2).


  • It refers to stocks having abundance lower than the level that can produce MSY. 
  • FAO defines a fish population as overfished when its biomass is below 80 percent of the target level (B/BMSY < 0.8).

Crucial Insights on the  State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024

  • The Statistics:
    • On Production: 
      • Global fisheries and Aquaculture: 223.2 million tonnes
      • Global Aquaculture: 130.9 million tonnes
      • Aquatic Animals: 185.4 million tonnes 
      • Region Wise: Asia (70%), Europe (9%), Latin America and the Caribbean (9%), Africa (7%), Northern America (3%) and Oceania (1%).
      • Country Wise: China (36%), India (8%), Indonesia (7%), Viet Nam (5%) and Peru (3%)
      • Algae: 37.8 million tonnes
      • Global Capture Fisheries: 92.3 million tonnes
    • On Sustainability:
      • Proportion of sustainably fished marine stocks monitored by FAO (2021): 62.3% 
      • Proportion of sustainably fished marine stocks level monitored by FAO weighted by production (2021): 78.9% 
    • On Consumption:
      • Global apparent consumption of aquatic animal foods (2021): 162.5 million tonnes
      • Global apparent consumption of aquatic foods per capita (2021): 20.6 kg
      • Increase in global apparent consumption of aquatic foods per capita: from 9.1 kg in 1961 to 20.6 in 2021
    • On Employment:
      • People employed in primary production: 61.8 million 
      • Workers by Sector: Fisheries (54%), Aquaculture (36%), Sector not specified (10%)
      • Percentage of jobs by region: Asia (85%), Africa (10%), Latin America and the Caribbean (4%), Europe, Oceania and Northern America combined (1%).
    • On Trade:
      • Top exporters of aquatic animal products: China, Norway, Viet Nam, Ecuador, Chile
      • Top importers of aquatic animal products: The United States of America, China, Japan, Spain, France
      • Value of international trade of aquatic products: USD 195 billion
  • Rise in Production: World fisheries and aquaculture production has hit a new high in 2022 with a surge of 223.2 million tonnes, a 4.4% increase from the year 2020.
    • For the first time in history, in 2022, aquaculture surpassed capture fisheries as the main producer of aquatic animals. 
    • Despite the growth in aquaculture, capture fisheries remain an essential source of aquatic animal production. 
      • With 1.9 million tonnes, India ranked first in inland fisheries production.
      • Inland Resources: These include rivers and canals, floodplain lakes, ponds and tanks, reservoirs, brackish water, saline/alkaline-affected areas, etc.
  • Countries Dominating Aquaculture: China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Norway, Egypt, and Chile – produced over 89.8% of the total.
    • But many low-income countries in Africa and Asia are not using their full potential. 
  • Rise in Global Consumption of Aquatic Foods: Global consumption of aquatic animal foods reached 162.5 million tonnes in 2021 due to its potential in tackling food insecurity and malnutrition. 
  • Impact of Population Rise: Due to the rising global population, to maintain through to 2050 apparent consumption of aquatic animal foods at the 2022 estimated level of 20.7 kg per capita 
    • It would require an increase in the total aquatic animal food supply of 36 million tonnes, a rise of 22%. 
    • This highlights the need to accelerate Blue Transformation priority actions in a world where aquatic foods play a more significant role in ending hunger, malnutrition and poverty.

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About State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA)

  • SOFIA is an FAO flagship report that analyzes the status and health of global fishery stocks as well as trends in fisheries and aquaculture at a global and regional level. 

Blue Transformation in Action

  • Introduction: By FAO in “Blue Transformation” vision in 2021.
  • Aim: To leverage aquatic food systems, to enhance food security, improve nutrition, etc
  • Objectives: 
    • Sustainable aquaculture expansion to meet global demand, with equitable benefit distribution.
    • Effective fisheries management for healthy stocks and fair livelihoods.
    • Upgraded aquatic value chains, ensuring social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Actions Required

  • Further Transformative and Adaptive Actions: These are needed to strengthen the efficiency, inclusiveness, resilience and sustainability of aquatic food systems.
    • These are also needed to consolidate their role in addressing food insecurity, poverty alleviation and sustainable governance.
  • Boost Sustainable Aquaculture: Targeted policies, technology transfer, capacity building and responsible investment are crucial to boost sustainable aquaculture, especially in Africa.
    • The principles of ecosystem-based sustainable fishing require reducing catches of forage fish such as anchovies, sardines, krill and herring in order to keep important food chains functioning.
  • Supporting further Consumption: Consumption from sustainable sources is crucial to foster healthy diets and improve nutrition worldwide. 
    • Aquatic foods provide high-quality proteins and key nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.

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Government Initiatives For India’s Fisheries Sector

  • Marine Fisheries Management: Fisheries are state subjects under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. 
    • Fishing and fisheries beyond territorial waters are on the Union list.
  • International Support: The World Bank approved USD 150 million in funding to support the recovery of India’s fisheries sector In 2020-21. 
  • Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Scheme (PMMSY): To address significant productivity and production gaps in the fisheries sector, infuse innovation and cutting-edge technology, etc. 
  • National Fisheries Policy, 2020: To introduce a comprehensive and integrated ‘National Fisheries Policy, 2020’ by integrating the National Policy on Marine Fisheries, 2017 (NPMF), the Draft National Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy (NIFAP) and the Draft National Mariculture Policy (NMP) along with the Elements of Post Harvest.
  • Sagar Parikrama: It is a journey in the sea across the coastal belt demonstrating solidarity with all fish farmers and concerned stakeholders as a spirit of 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. 


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