How to Write an Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide for UPSC Success

Unlock success in UPSC exams with our comprehensive guide on how to write an essay. Learn effective strategies, structure, and language for top scores. Master the art of impactful essay writing now!

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Unlock success in UPSC exams with our comprehensive guide on how to write an essay. Learn effective strategies, structure, and language for top scores. Master the art of impactful essay writing now!

How to Write an Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide for UPSC Success

Essay Writing for Top Scores: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Write an Essay

The Union Public Service Commission conducts Civil Services Exams every year which comprises three stages i.e Prelims, Mains, and the Interview. The UPSC Mains exam consists of multiple papers, with the first paper being the Essay paper. In this article, we will see how to write an essay so that candidates can fetch good marks in this UPSC essay paper. Before proceeding further let us look at the structure of UPSC exam structure.

how to write an essay

UPSC Essay Writing for Top Scores: Learn How to Write an Essay in CSE Exam 

If we analyze the past year’s trends of selected aspirants there is a pattern deciphered which indicates that almost all selected candidates get the highest marks in essay papers out of all papers of UPSC mains. Marks obtained in essay papers play an important role in overall marks in the UPSC CSE exam so it has become very important to know how to write an essay. Although essay papers should have good content, proper structure, and coherency, using quotes or statements but a proper structure is needed for putting all elements of the essay aligned to make an impactful essay.

UPSC Essay Paper Vs. GS Papers: The Art for Exam Success

  • Candidates who are thinking that the Essay and answer to GS question carry similar sense and content could be used exchangeably, then they should know what distinguishes the Essay paper from the other GS papers that marks in GS papers are explicitly for that type of related content, but Essay paper is kept just not to see the content but the language, coherence and the way arguments are lined up to explain one’s viewpoint.
  • The ideas cannot be put up here randomly but have to be arranged in an orderly fashion as UPSC demands along with the least spelling or grammatical errors.

how to write an essay

Parameters for How to Write An Essay: Structure, Sources, and Language for Top Scores

UPSC’S recommendation on the Essay: How to Write an Essay with Precision and Impact

  • UPSC’s Essay Guidelines-UPSC has stated that “Candidates may be required to know how to write an essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression”.
  • Instruction in Essay Writing by UPSC- According to the instructions on essays by UPSC it is clear that Candidates may encounter the task of composing essays on various topics during the examination. It is essential that they adhere closely to the assigned subject, organize their thoughts in a systematic manner, and convey their ideas concisely. The evaluation process will reward candidates for effective and precise expression.
  • Differentiating the Essay Paper and General Science Paper- Distinguishing essay paper from the General Studies (GS) section, where marks are allocated solely for content, the essay section requires a more comprehensive evaluation. Examiners not only assess the substance of your essay but also scrutinize the language used, the coherence of your arguments, and the overall organization of your writing.
  • Importance of Structure in Essay- It is very important that candidates provide structure to their essay, ensuring that ideas flow logically and avoiding fundamental errors in spelling or grammar. While content remains significant, the essay section places a premium on language proficiency and the adept organization of your thoughts. Take ample care to present your ideas with clarity and coherence, paying attention to the finer details to maximize your essay’s impact.

Essay Writing Enrichment: How to Write an Essay, Leveraging Diverse Sources for Comprehensive Preparation

The majority of the content for the essay paper will be extracted from the General Studies (GS) preparation. However, to enrich the essay candidates can consider the following additional sources:

  • Engage with Non-Fiction- Reading non-fiction not only enhances knowledge of the candidates but also cultivates and nourishes a mature thought process. Apart from the factual information, non-fiction text give exposure to figures of speech, effective argumentation techniques, powerful rhetoric, and unique content. So, aside from UPSC-related materials, cultivating the habit of reading non-fiction books can significantly contribute to a candidate’s overall preparation.
  • Reference to specific magazines- It will be very wise to utilize the specific issues of magazines such as Yojana, EPW (Economic and Political Weekly), and the Economic Survey for certain topics. For example, if topics of the essay are somewhere related to tribal, public welfare and sustainable development etc. these magazines can offer valuable insights, including the latest statistics (Infant Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate, malnutrition levels, etc.) and evaluations of government schemes in those sectors.
  • Curate Stories, Anecdotes, and Quotes- For better material and attractive paragraphs candidates should take note of compelling anecdotes, quotes, and real-life stories found in newspapers and books that can be seamlessly integrated into your essays. Starting an essay with a relevant story or anecdote that aligns with the underlying theme of the topic adds depth and engagement. Additionally, incorporating quotes from eminent personalities can enhance the authority and impact of your arguments.
    • Just remember that the objective is not to read one non-fiction book per essay topic but to gradually cultivate a habit of incorporating diverse sources into your preparation. Regularly integrating non-UPSC materials, referencing specific magazines, and collecting compelling anecdotes and quotes will prove beneficial in the long run. A comprehensive list of quotes and anecdotes I gathered is available in the link at the end of this article for your reference.

Language and Expression of an Essay Writing: How to Write an Impactful Essay, Simple Language, Concise Sentences, and Effective Expression

  • Focus on making sentence simple- It is advised to candidates that the language in their essay should be straightforward and devoid of unnecessary jargon. If it is necessary to incorporate complex terms like ‘Constitutionalism’ or ‘Sanskritisation,’ put it under a  clear definition in the sentence immediately preceding their use. This approach ensures that the examiner comprehends your intended meaning with clarity, as clear writing reflects clear thinking something every reader seeks.
  • Go for impacting sentences- Choose for concise and impactful sentences, avoiding lengthy and convoluted constructions. A proliferation of clauses through excessive conjunctions results in poor sentence structure, making it challenging for the reader to follow and comprehend the content.
  • Break sentence for clarity- On complete reading of any topic of an essay, readers may find themselves out of breath and miss the intended point of the sentence. Therefore candidates should adopt a straightforward guideline: If a sentence leaves you breathless while reading, consider breaking it into two.
    • For example below there is a paragraph which can be improved and can be made interesting to the examiner.

how to write an essay

Vocabulary: How to Write an Essay with Impactful Words and Phrases

  • If a candidate thinks that complex vocabulary is the key player in the essay, in actuality it is a contrast. There’s no necessity to commit intricate words to memory to excel in essay writing. However, infrequent incorporation of potent words or compelling phrases can undoubtedly enhance the quality of your composition.
  • Moreover, there is a belief that mere rote memorization of numerous words doesn’t ensure their lasting retention in your memory. The most effective approach to enriching your vocabulary involves immersing yourself in non-fiction literature and English newspapers. 
  • Expanding your vocabulary is a gradual process, but with sustained effort, anyone can improve their proficiency in employing a diverse range of words.

Subheading and Drafts: How to Write an Impactful Essay with Innovative Subheadings and Drafts

  • We can be a little innovative in our subheadings. Instead of bland subheadings such as ‘Benefits of Nuclear Energy’ we can use “Nuclear Energy: Promise or Peril?’ Similarly, for the essay on Social Media, instead of writing ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media’, I wrote “Social Media: A Double Edged Sword”.

Things Should Be Avoided During the Essay Writing: How to Write an Essay with Precision and Balance for Top Scores

There are many small points we do and don’t do in an essay which mess up our essay and despite having good knowledge about the topic, the candidate can’t get marks in the essay that he/she deserves.

  • Avoid Singular Focus- Refrain from fixating excessively on a single point or dimension, ensuring your essay incorporates a broad, multifaceted approach.
  • Stay True to the Topic- Despite personal opinions developed during preparation, strictly adhere to the essay prompt. Resist the temptation to deviate from the assigned subject.
  • Revisit the Question- Incorporate the essay question within your composition to verify its alignment with the topic, preventing unintentional drift in your narrative.
  • Mind Your Comfort Zone- If abstract philosophical topics are challenging, consider avoiding them. The marks are not significantly affected by the choice of topic, so opt for familiarity over novelty.
  • Understand Technical Terms- Clarify the meaning of any technical terms in the question before proceeding. Misunderstanding technical terms can lead to lower marks, as experienced in the 2014 examination.
  • Balancing approach on Issues- When taking a definitive viewpoint on an issue try to avoid extreme or highly unpopular opinions. Try to create a balanced approach, presenting arguments for both sides before asserting your position.
  • Avoid lengthy and one-sided Arguments- The candidate should avoid indulging in ranting or presenting one-sided arguments. Even with strong personal opinions, candidates should maintain a balanced presentation in line with UPSC essay expectations.
  • Try to put both Sides- In topics like Capitalism try to put both positive and negative aspects. For instance, while discussing Capital Punishment try to cover arguments for both abolition and retention, concluding the essay on a balanced note.
  • Allocating Equal Time- Allocate equal time and effort to both essays mentioned in both sections of the paper  as they carry equal weight in terms of marks. Try not to spend a disproportionate amount of time on the first essay, ensuring consistency in your approach.

Essay Development: How to Write an Impactful Essay, Time Management, and Topic Approach for Success

  • Time Allocation: Write, Reflect, Revise for Top Scores in 80 Minutes
    • Dedicate 80 minutes for each essay.
    • Spend 60 minutes on writing, aiming for 8-9 pages per essay.
    • Allocate 20 minutes for thoughtful consideration.
    • Utilize the first 10 minutes for selecting the topic.
    • Reserve the last 10 minutes for revision.
  • Choosing and Approaching Topics: A Strategic Guide to Score High in 80 Minutes
    • Go with the topics with the potential for multiple dimensions, considering the broad scope they offer. While mainstream topics are common choices, venturing into a non-mainstream topic presents both risks and rewards. A slightly lower score is preferable to struggling with a less conventional topic.
    • After selecting the topic, the second crucial step is brainstorming. This involves listing keywords, phrases, and facts related to the chosen subject.
    • Develop 5-6 questions about the topic that you aim to answer in your essay.
    • Establish coherence by linking your ideas to the questions and crafting a cohesive narrative.
    • Dedicate the next few minutes to recalling relevant quotes, examples, data points, and insights from philosophers or leaders. This enriches the content of your essay and adds depth to your arguments.=

Paragraph Linking: Linking Paragraphs for Cohesive Essays in 3 Effective Steps

Effectively transitioning from one paragraph to the next can be accomplished using three methods:

  • Linking sentence at the end of the paragraph- Try to conclude a paragraph with a link sentence that previews the upcoming content.
  • Transition by Questions- If the paragraph is not structured with a link for the next paragraph try to insert a question at the end of a paragraph to naturally guide the examiner’s attention to the next topic. 
  • Signal Shift at the Start- Introduce a word or two at the beginning of a paragraph to indicate a shift in the subtopic.
  • By incorporating these steps, you can ensure that the transition between paragraphs remains smooth and avoids abrupt shifts in your essay.”

Impactful Introduction of an Essay: Quotes, Overviews, and Historical Insights

  • Start with the relevant Quote- While writing an essay try to commence with a thought-provoking quote that aligns with the theme of the essay while adding depth to your introduction and put an impressive impact on examiner,
  • Presenting an overview of content- Try to present a concise thesis outlining the key arguments which candidates are going to explore in the essay this will provide a roadmap for the examiner
  • Historical Background- Provide a brief historical context related to the issue at hand, offering a foundation for your essay’s exploration.
  • Definition of Key Terms (Caution Advised)- As a last resort, offer simple definitions of terms from the question, though this is not recommended for essays due to its potential to lack the warmth and human touch needed for a compelling introduction. This approach is more suitable for General Studies (GS) answers.

Tools for Core Content: Approaches for Impactful Essay Writing

The styles that can be used to spin our essay around the given topic, depend on the nature of the topic and go as follows-

  • Problem & Solution Approach– Historical evolution, concept, benefits, problems, solutions
  • Stakeholder Approach- Individual, Family, Community, Society, National, Humanity or Global.
  • Dimensional Approach- Social (Education, Health, Women, Children, and other vulnerable groups), Political, Philosophical, Environmental, Economic, Cultural (Beliefs, Attitude, Values, and Ethics), Linguistic/Local, International, Humanistic Historical, Governance, Administration.
  • Temporal Approach– Past, Present, and Future
  • Sectoral Approach- Media, Science & Tech, Business, Sports, Religion, Politics, Administration, etc.
  • Question Approach- Use of rhetorical questions to build a structure of the essay.
  • Use of Diagrams is not advisable or must not be encouraged because this is the test of your language, argument building, and writing.

Supporting Your Arguments: Strengthening Arguments Effectively

  • Creating a strong argumentative Structure- Within the essay’s main body, each paragraph should present a distinct argument or idea, accompanied by supporting reasoning. This substantiation can be achieved through real-life examples, statistics, authentic committee or organizational reports, and other credible sources.
    • For instance, when asserting that Capital punishment is a costly form of justice, provide a compelling example, and relevant statistics, or cite the opinion of authoritative bodies like the Law Commission. This might involve demonstrating how individuals subjected to the death penalty are disproportionately from economically disadvantaged communities.
  • Utilising Essential Elements- Utilizing statistics, real-life examples, expert opinions, and references to constitutional provisions is imperative. These elements not only reinforce your arguments but also lend them an authoritative and well-supported quality.

Conclusion of the Essay Writing: Strategies for Impactful Endings

  • The conclusion should project a forward-looking and optimistic stance. Summarize the entire essay concisely in 3-4 sentences, followed by articulating your vision for the future.
  • Incorporate impactful terms drawn from speeches by figures such as PM Modi, such as “Sabka saath sabka vikas,” “Reform-Perform-Transform,” or “Building A New India.” Employing rhetoric, elevated expressions, constitutional ideals, Sanskrit slokas, and quotes can enhance the conclusion’s resonance.
  • However, if your introduction introduces a fictitious character, it’s advisable to conclude your essay by referencing that character. This approach imparts a sense of completeness to your essay, creating a cohesive narrative.

Tips for Effective Argumentation: Beyond Categories: Tips for Impactful Essay Writing

  • Choice of topic- Select a subject that allows for a reasoned and well-balanced argument.
  • Linking and coherent argument- Organize your arguments cohesively for clarity.
  • Understanding the essence- Carefully discern the essence of the topic to steer clear of potential pitfalls.
  • Finding Counterarguments- Explore an antithetical perspective; refrain from assuming the inherent correctness of the topic.
  • Good Presentation- Eliminate unnecessary abbreviations for a polished presentation.
  • Inserting creativity- Inject creativity into your subheadings; for example, consider “World Peace: Navigating Conflict and Fostering Harmony.”
  • Eye-catching Introduction- Craft an introductory hook, background, or thesis with a positive tone. Infuse originality into your essay writing, providing a nuanced and balanced opinion.
Must Read
NCERT Notes For UPSC UPSC Daily Current Affairs
UPSC Blogs UPSC Daily Editorials


How to Write an Essay FAQs

The most acceptable structure of an essay for UPSC includes an introduction, a well-organized body with distinct paragraphs covering different aspects, and a wrapping conclusion.

The choice of essay topics among the essay topics is crucial as it sets the tone for your essay. Try to pick a topic that aligns with your strengths, prepare candidates for a balanced argument, and showcase the depth of understanding of candidates on various issues.

Candidates should stick to around 1200-1500 words. Concise and focused writing is appreciated, so avoid unnecessary verbosity.

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