Q. Besides domain knowledge, a public official needs innovativeness and creativity of a high order as well, while resolving ethical dilemmas. Discuss with suitable examples. (150 words, 10 Marks)



  • Introduction: Write about innovation and creativity in public service.
  • Body: 
    1. Mention the ethical dilemma in each sector
    2. Add points on how to resolve those ethical dilemmas.
  • Conclusion: Conclude by showing the significance of innovation. 


In today’s complex world, public officials are often faced with ethical dilemmas that require them to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions that uphold ethical standards while also ensuring effective governance.


Solving ethical dilemma by innovation and creativity:

  • One such example of the need for innovativeness and creativity in public officials can be seen in India’s healthcare sector
  • India is a country with a vast population and limited healthcare resources, which often leads to ethical dilemmas for public officials.
  • For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, public officials had to make difficult decisions about the allocation of resources such as hospital beds, oxygen supplies, and vaccines. These decisions had to be made quickly and with limited resources, often in the face of intense public pressure.
  • To resolve these ethical dilemmas, public officials had to think innovatively and creatively.
    • For example, some hospitals in India set up virtual ICUs to monitor patients remotely, which helped to free up physical ICU beds for more critical patients.
  • In addition, some states in India implemented innovative vaccination drives, such as drive-through vaccination centers and door-to-door vaccination campaigns, to ensure that vaccines were distributed equitably and efficiently.
  • Another example of the need for innovativeness and creativity in public officials can be seen in India’s education sector. India is a country with a vast population and limited education resources, which often leads to ethical dilemmas for public officials.
    • For example, public officials have to make difficult decisions about the allocation of resources such as teachers, classrooms, and textbooks. These decisions have to be made with limited resources, often in the face of intense public pressure.
  • To resolve these ethical dilemmas, public officials have to think innovatively and creatively.
    • For example, some schools in India have implemented online education programs that allow students to access educational resources from anywhere, anytime.
  • In addition, some states in India have implemented innovative policies such as providing bicycles to girls to encourage them to attend school, and mid-day meal schemes to ensure that children from underprivileged backgrounds have access to nutritious food.


The need for innovativeness and creativity in public officials is essential, particularly when resolving ethical dilemmas. The examples from India’s healthcare and education sectors demonstrate that innovative and creative solutions can be found even in the face of limited resources and intense public pressure.
Public officials who possess these traits can make a significant positive impact on society while also upholding ethical standards.

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