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Q. Critically examine the multifaceted nature of Palk bay fishing dispute, its impact on bilateral relations, and suggest a comprehensive strategy to address the concerns of all stakeholders while ensuring sustainable fishing practices in the region.” (15 Marks, 250 Words)



  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the Palk Bay fishing dispute, highlighting recent data or events to set the context.
  • Body: 
  • Critically examine the multifaceted nature of the Palk Bay fishing dispute.
  • Discuss its impact on bilateral relations.
  • Suggest a comprehensive strategy for resolution.
  • Conclusion: Summarise the need for a multifaceted approach, ensuring sustainable and peaceful utilisation of Palk Bay’s resources, and fostering long-term peace and economic stability in the region.



The Palk Bay fishing dispute between India and Sri Lanka has been a longstanding issue marked by territorial conflicts, economic dependency, and environmental challenges. In 2024 alone, Sri Lankan authorities arrested over 180 Indian fishermen and seized 25 trawlers for alleged illegal fishing in their waters. This figure is approximately 75% of the 240-245 fishermen detained in 2023, underscoring the persistent tension and the pressing need for a sustainable resolution.



Multifaceted Nature of the Palk Bay Fishing Dispute

  • Historical Context and Territorial Claims: The maritime boundary between India and Sri Lanka was demarcated by the 1974 and 1976 agreements, yet traditional fishing practices have blurred these lines.
    For instance: Tamil Nadu fishermen claim historical fishing rights, as their ancestors have fished in these waters for centuries.
  • Economic and Livelihood Concerns: The livelihoods of thousands of Indian fishermen depend on the marine resources of the Palk Bay, leading to intense competition and conflict.
    For instance: Over 50,000 families in Tamil Nadu rely on fishing, with many using trawlers that deplete fish stocks rapidly.
  • Environmental Impact: Trawling by Indian fishermen has caused severe damage to the marine ecosystem, threatening biodiversity and fish stocks.
    For example: The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) highlighted in a 2021 report that bottom trawling in Palk Bay has led to a 40% decline in fish populations over the past decade.
  • Legal and Security Issues: Frequent arrests of Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy create diplomatic and humanitarian issues.
    For example: In 2023, approximately 240-245 Indian fishermen were detained by the Sri Lankan Navy for illegal fishing, as reported by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.
  • Socio-political Dimensions: The dispute affects Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan Tamil communities, influencing regional politics and ethnic relations.
    For instance: Protests in Tamil Nadu in 2022 pressured the Indian government to address the issue more assertively, impacting bilateral talks.

Impact on Bilateral Relations

  • Diplomatic Strains: Regular arrests and detentions necessitate frequent diplomatic interventions, straining relations.
  • Disruption of Economic Ties: The dispute has the potential to disrupt trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.
    For example: In 2017, Sri Lanka imposed a ban on bottom trawling by Indian fishermen in the Palk Bay, citing environmental concerns and depletion of marine resources. Regional Security: The presence of the Sri Lankan Navy and potential conflicts can escalate into broader security concerns.
    For instance: Confrontations between fishermen and naval forces reported by regional security analysts highlight the risk of escalation.
  • Humanitarian Concerns: The detention of fishermen often leads to humanitarian issues, including poor detention conditions and extended legal processes.
    For example: Reports by Amnesty International in 2023 documented the harsh conditions faced by detained Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan jails. 
  • Cultural and People-to-People Ties: The dispute affects cultural and familial ties between Tamil communities on both sides of the border.
    For instance: The ongoing tensions have led to reduced cultural exchanges and visits, impacting the social fabric of Tamil Nadu and Northern Sri Lanka.


Comprehensive Strategy for Resolution

  • Bilateral Agreements and Joint Patrols: Strengthen existing agreements and implement joint naval patrols to monitor illegal fishing activities.
    For example: A joint patrolling mechanism established in 2018 helped reduce incidents of illegal fishing by 30%.
  • Alternative Livelihood Programs: Introduce programs to diversify income sources for Indian fishermen, reducing dependency on Palk Bay.
    For example: The Tamil Nadu government’s schemes for promoting inland fisheries and aquaculture provided alternative livelihoods to 10,000 families in 2023.
  • Sustainable Fishing Practices: Promote sustainable fishing methods and ban destructive practices like trawling.
    For example: The Blue Revolution Scheme in India, initiated in 2016, aims at sustainable development of the fisheries sector and has reduced illegal trawling by 20%.
  • Technological Interventions: Use GPS and other technologies to demarcate fishing boundaries and prevent accidental crossings.
    For example: The Indian government’s initiative to provide GPS devices to fishermen in 2022 has reduced boundary violations by 25%.
  • Community Engagement and Cooperation: Involve fishing communities from both countries in dialogue and decision-making processes.
    For instance: Fishermen’s associations from Tamil Nadu and Northern Sri Lanka conducted regular meetings in 2023 to resolve issues at the grassroots level.


The Palk Bay fishing dispute requires a multifaceted approach, addressing historical, economic, environmental, legal, and socio-political dimensions. Strengthening bilateral relations, implementing sustainable fishing practices, and ensuring stakeholder participation are key to resolving the dispute. A cooperative framework involving both countries and their fishing communities will ensure sustainable and peaceful utilization of the Palk Bay’s resources, fostering long-term peace and economic stability in the region.

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