Q. Discuss the factors contributing to the decline of parliamentary authority in modern democracies. Suggest measures that can be taken to strengthen the role of parliament in ensuring effective governance and accountability. (250 words, 15 Marks)



  • Introduction: Define parliamentary authority and its importance in a democratic government.
  • Body:  
    • Discuss the various factors contributing to the decline of parliamentary authority in modern democracies.
    • Suggest measures that can be taken to strengthen the role of parliament in ensuring effective governance and accountability.
    • Substantiate with relevant examples.
  • Conclusion: Conclude, emphasizing the importance of addressing the decline of parliamentary authority and suggest that the proposed measures can help in ensuring effective governance and accountability in modern democracies.


Parliamentary authority is crucial for the functioning of any democratic government. It ensures that the executive is accountable to the elected representatives of the people and facilitates effective governance. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in parliamentary authority in many modern democracies.


Factors Contributing to the Decline of Parliamentary Authority:

  • Executive Dominance: The increasing concentration of power in the executive branch of the government, often at the expense of the legislative branch, has led to a decline in parliamentary authority.
    • For example, in the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet often exercise significant control over the legislative agenda, diminishing the role of the Parliament.
  • Party Discipline: Strict party discipline often requires members of parliament (MPs) to vote along party lines, reducing their ability to exercise independent judgment and scrutinize the executive effectively.
    • For instance, in India, the anti-defection law, which disqualifies MPs for defying party whip, has been criticized for undermining the independence of MPs.
  • Bypassing Parliament: The increasing use of executive orders, ordinances, and delegated legislation to bypass the parliament and make decisions unilaterally has also contributed to the decline of parliamentary authority.
    • For example, in the United States, the use of executive orders by Presidents to bypass Congress has been a subject of debate and criticism.
  • Weak Opposition: A weak opposition in the parliament, either due to a lack of numbers or fragmentation, can lead to inadequate scrutiny of the executive and a decline in parliamentary authority.
    • For example, in South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC) has held a majority in the parliament for many years, leading to concerns about the effectiveness of parliamentary oversight.

Measures to Strengthen the Role of Parliament:

  • Strengthening Committee System: Strengthening the parliamentary committee system can ensure more detailed scrutiny of government policies and legislation.
    • For example, in the United Kingdom, the Select Committees play a crucial role in scrutinizing the government and holding it accountable.
  • Ensuring Transparency: Ensuring transparency in the functioning of the parliament, including the proceedings, decisions, and voting records of MPs, can enhance accountability and public trust.
    • For instance, in Sweden, the proceedings of the parliament are open to the public and are also broadcasted live.
  • Encouraging Debate: Encouraging open and constructive debate in the parliament, rather than confrontational politics, can enhance its role in ensuring effective governance.
    • For example, in Germany, the Bundestag encourages constructive debate and consensus-building among different parties.
  • Empowering Opposition: Empowering the opposition in the parliament by giving them a significant role in the decision-making process and parliamentary committees can strengthen parliamentary authority.
    • For instance, in India, the chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee is usually from the opposition party.


The decline of parliamentary authority in modern democracies is a matter of concern as it undermines the principles of representative democracy, effective governance, and accountability. Strengthening the role of parliament by enhancing the committee system, ensuring transparency, encouraging constructive debate, and empowering the opposition can help in addressing this issue and ensuring effective governance and accountability.

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