Q. Enumerate the multifaceted impact of political corruption on social & economic development of a country with suitable examples. (10 M, 150 words)


How to approach the question

  • Introduction
    • Write about political corruption and its prevalence briefly 
  • Body 
    • Write multifaceted impact of political corruption on social development
    • Write multifaceted impact of political corruption on economic development 
  • Conclusion 
    • Give appropriate conclusion in this regard  



According to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), India is ranked 93rd out of 180 countries with a score of 39, indicating a significant challenge in combating corruption within the country. Political corruption infers the use of powers by politicians and government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private gain. It is manifested in various forms including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, lobbying etc and is affecting countries worldwide.


Multifaceted impact of political corruption on socio-economic development of a country

Social Impacts:

  • Stunted Social Development: It causes diversion of funds from critical social programs, leading to stunted social development. Eg: National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam, where funds meant for improving healthcare in rural areas were misappropriated, is an example of how corruption can impede social development initiatives.
  • Impaired Human Rights: Political corruption in public services can lead to a denial of basic human rights. Eg: mid-day meal scam, where funds meant for feeding school children were siphoned off, shows how corruption can directly impact the right to food and education.
  • Increased Crime and Violence: Political corruption can foster environments where organized crime thrives, leading to increased violence and insecurity. Eg: As seen in the emergence of drug mafias in Mexico colluding with corrupt officials and politicians. 
  • Widening Social Inequalities: It exacerbates income inequality by favoring the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of the public good. Eg: Illicit financial flows and tax evasion facilitated by corrupt practices enables the rich to accumulate wealth as seen in the Panama Papers leak which exposed global tax evasion schemes.

Economic Impacts:

  • Stifled Economic Growth: It erodes the foundations of economic health by causing massive financial losses and hampers investment. Eg: 2G spectrum scandal in India, involving government officials undercharging mobile telephony companies for frequency allocation resulted in a loss of approximately $25 billion to the exchequer. 
  • Hampers national development: It exacerbates poverty by diverting public resources meant for development projects to the pockets of corrupt individuals. Eg: Commonwealth Games scam, where funds meant for infrastructure development were misappropriated, is a stark example of how corruption can divert resources away from those in need.
  • Distorted Market Operations: When political corruption influences the awarding of contracts and licenses, it leads to an inefficient allocation of resources. Eg: coal allocation scam, where mining rights were not competitively bid for, resulted in losses and inefficiencies in the market, highlighting how corruption distorts market operations.
  • Inflated Costs and Lower Quality of Public Services: In public procurement, it can lead to inflated costs and substandard public services. Eg: Adarsh Housing Society scam, where a high-rise building intended for war widows and veterans was appropriated by politicians and military officials.


Thus, the pervasive impact of political corruption is like a cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy, necessitates a comprehensive strategy implementing holisit anti-corruption measures. Such concerted efforts are crucial not only for sustainable development but also for rejuvenating citizens’ trust in governance and their belief in the power of democratic principles.


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